It is consumed by the ministers of the cup.
And the wafers?
Back into the box until needed?
Yes, it is consumed by the EMEs and the priest and deacons. At my brother’s funeral I took a Xanax before because I was so upset, then I was asked to distribute the Precious Blood. Few people took the Blood. So I had to drink most of the cup. Then of course, at a Catholic Church funeral dinner/lunch there is wine and beer. I did not partake however but I can attest that the Precious Blood really is alcoholic wine.
Which raises the issue of cultural warfare. I grew up in the 50s and 60s and even after my children were born my MIL was very unhappy that her grandchildren were to be baptised Catholic. I don’t think it was theological with her. But there has been a lot of serious anti-Catholicism out there for a long long time. My aunt was not allowed to teach in Missouri because she was Catholic. So here’s the thing... we’re all conservatives who I hope believe in Freedom of Religion. The Catholic Church has taught during all the modern age (and of course before) that marriage is marriage and contraception and abortion are wrong. (by the way - contraception and abortion are forms of sorcery). So we can box ourselves up and say that so and so is evil and going to hell or we can join together and pray for our country.