Is the pope a Marxist? Is it possible to be a Catholic Marxist? (Hint: No).
Are males and females interchangeable? Are there specific roles for male and females that are essential to emotional and physical health of babies? Is there design in male and female? Are there Natural instincts in people that should never be deformed and perverted by culture?
Stripping all Reason and Logic from Natural Law Theory (Western Civilization which created the Age of Reason and “pretending” women are just like men for the gender confusion needed in children so the elites can make boys believe they are girls and girls are boys for the utopia of irrationality (artificial realities/Brave New World/ trans-humanism)-—for that Marxism/Darwinism and Malthusian/atheist worldview. Hmmmmm. What is wrong with this picture?
“utopia of irrationality” - great phrase to encapsulate the progressive direction global culture continues to take.