1 - Is the Mary of Catholicism the spouse of God? ... Was she also the spouse of Joseph?2 - Was a sex gamete from Mary used to make the body of Jesus Who gestated in her womb? ... Would this UNION of sex gametes, with a gamete from God, constitute Mary breaking her vows in her espousal to Joseph?
3 - If the Mary of Catholicism is the mother of the god of Catholicism AND the spouse of the god of Catholicism, what would that define this Mary as? ... Is incest forbidden in the Bible?
4 - Why does The Word of God state categorically that Jesus is The Only Mediator between Man and God, if the Catholic Mary is also added as a mediatrix?
5 - Is the body not the soul? ... Is the soul not the spirit? ... Why did Paul write a prayer of blessing in which he differentiated body, soul, and spirit, when writing to Timotheus?
6 - Was the Mary of the Catholic religion the progenitor of God? ... As a mortal being, could Mary be the progenitor of Jesus and not be the progenitor of God? ... If Mary donated no gamete to the building of the body of Jesus, is she anything, anyone, more than a surrogate to the Body of The Lord Jesus Christ? ... I being only the surrogate to the gestating Jesus would Mary have violated ANY vows she made to her spouse Joseph?
7 - What did Jesus mean when speaking with Nicodemus regarding being Born Again, born from above? ... How did Jesus explain how to be born from above?
Can you expand on this?