There is no need to read minds. Your posts are very clear.
For hundreds of years, the Catholic Church taught through its ordinary universal magisterium that the Jews, after rejecting Christ, are no longer the Chosen people!
Suddenly, the Church was wrong all that time...and you believe that.
Someday you will see.
I am persuaded that theological antisemitism is the mother's milk feeding those Catholics who want to follow Martin Luther but, so far, but reject Vatican II and linger on the fringe of the holy catholic apostolic church in word.
How odd to see an erstwhile Catholic disavowing blessed Saint John Paul II and a Jew praising him.
During the life of Our Lord and for a short time after His death they preached in only one country, viz., Palestine--now called the Holy Land--in which country the Jews, up to that time God's chosen people, lived.
I guess the Baltimore Catechism in 1885 was also teaching error. And I guess Pope Pius XI was also teaching error in his Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a liturgical prayer issued simultaneously in 1925 with his encyclical Quas Primas.
Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of that race, once Thy chosen people: of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them, a laver of redemption and of life.
True, many of His promises have already been fulfilled by Christ or by the Church as the "ingrafted branch" of the Jewish olive tree. But some of these promises to the Jews have yet to be fulfilled, because the time of their fulfillment--- the End of the Age-- has not yet come.
All of the eminent Catholic Jews, people like Alphonse Ratisbonne, the late Cardinal Lustiger, the Venerable Francis Liberman, and St. Teresa Benedict of the Cross (Edith Stein)--- have understood themselves to be as Catholics saved by Christ, while still members of the Chosen People with a role to play in Salvation History as Jews.
Yes, the Jews have a role in Salvation History from Abraham to the Second Coming. That is NOT the same as saying that they, or anyone, can be saved without faith in Christ.
Landless, prophet-less, priest-less, king-less, the Jewish people have nevertheless been preserved by God's Providence for 2,000 years since the destruction of the Temple. Divine Providence has kept the Jewish Identity alive when 10,000 other "tribal identities" have faded into the dust.
Nobody is disputing the fact that faith in Chrirst is needed for salvation. But the idea of the Jewish people as such having an ongoing role, a role recognized by the Church and guaranteed by Our Lord in Sacred Scripture, is something I would invite you to consider, ponder and respect.
We may--- who knows? --- live to the End Times, to see those 144,000 Jews from every tribe of Israel, marked with the seal of God. I hope I may be preserved faithful to the end, to say "Come Lord Jesus," "Tol'ja", and "Shalom."