To: ealgeone; Salvation; All
Dear eagleone
I believe you may feel left out of our Catholic love so I am proposing that every Catholic on this thread say a Rosary specifically for eagleone so he can truly be the object of Catholic love.
I will make you my intention on my very next Rosary late tonight / early tomorrow morning.
For the Greater Glory of God
261 posted on
10/09/2015 7:03:36 PM PDT by
(Ad Majoram Dei Gloriam = FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF GOD)
To: LurkingSince'98; Salvation; All
Lurking, I appreciate the sentiment. I do hope it is being offered in the sense of true concern.
If you pray for me, I would ask you to direct your prayers to the Lord instead.
To: LurkingSince'98; ealgeone; Alex Murphy; bkaycee; BlueDragon; boatbums; caww; CynicalBear; ...
I believe you may feel left out of our Catholic love so I am proposing that every Catholic on this thread say a Rosary specifically for eagleone so he can truly be the object of Catholic love. I will make you my intention on my very next Rosary late tonight / early tomorrow morning.
If the way non-Catholics are addressed on this forum is an example of *Catholic love*, praying a Mt Everest of rosaries will not change anyone's heart.
Catholics would make better headway by changing their behavior and the way they talk to *outsiders* (aka or referred to as: *heretics*, *anti's*, and *bigots*) beginning with their condescending attitude towards such as exhibited in your post.
281 posted on
10/10/2015 2:09:46 AM PDT by
(...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...)
To: LurkingSince'98
I will make you my intention on my very next Rosary late tonight / early tomorrow morning.
Hey Mary!!
Listen up!!!
295 posted on
10/10/2015 4:24:58 AM PDT by
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson