And what do you mean, and not mean, by saying she is the “mother of God”?
Is she eternal? Is she a creature? Was she there with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, before the world began.
Explain what you mean by “mother of God.”
Mother of God means that she gave birth to Jesus. She is a creature. Created by God. She is why Jesus is both God and man. Because he was man he was able to suffer and die for our sins and to redeem us from original sin.
“Mother of God” is inherently confusing. I know many Catholics do not believe in the “Quadrinity” but it usually takes a few minutes of conversation to figure out who is who.
Stick with “Mother of Christ” or “Mother of the Messiah.” Precisely in what way are these much more clear descriptions to be considered inadequate terminologies?
Mother of God was the ancient title of Semeramis, the harlot wife of Nimrod.
It was Constantine’s way of saying “I’m not really a Christian folks, I’m still a devoted worshiper of Mithras.”