Your judgment of those who disagree with your false use of facts noted.
“The scripture is clear.”
You are so right and it does NOT contain any of the following truths.
Devotion to you, O Blessed Virgin, is a means of salvation which God gives to those whom he wishes to save. -Saint John Damascene, Father and Doctor of the Church, 676-787 AD
It is impossible to save ones soul without devotion to Mary and without her protection. -Saint Anselm, Archbishop and Doctor of the Church, 1033-1109 AD
Not only do they offend thee, O Lady, who outrage thee, but thou art also offended by those who neglect to ask thy favors . . . He who neglects the service of the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins . . . He who does not invoke thee, O Lady, will never get to Heaven . . . Not only will those from whom Mary turns her countenance not be saved, but there will be no hope of their salvation . . . No one can be saved without the protection of Mary. -Saint Bonaventure, Cardinal-Bishop and Doctor of the Church, 1221-1274 AD
If you believe any of these statements then you are left to this Scripture of Truth.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
In the bible Fatherhood is big, motherhood is incidental.