The Catholics all need to start reading the CCC and ACTING upon what it says!
Many are called but few are chosen. Faithful is He that calleth you for He will also do it. ... Of the many called, why are so few chosen? ... Because so few will let Him do it int hem and believe they must follow a salvation trail of striving to obtain salvation, the very thing God Promises to give you the moment you believe on Him Whom God has sent for your salvation. As Moses lifted up the brass serpent int he wilderness, so also the Son of Man must be lifted up, that all who look to Him shall have Life everlasting, then , right then, and be born from above.
Did you know that the explanation for that scene in the wilderness where Moses made a brass serpent and placed it upon a high pole, so those who looked to it were healed of the poisonous serpent bites is not explained anywhere in the Old Testament. It was kept for explanation until Jesus spoke with Nicodemus telling Him a man must be Born from above, by FAITH, not by works and not in idol worship, by FAITH.
The Israelites were so into literal empowerment (like catholics, who are taught that they must eat the flesh, blood, soul and divinity of Christ to get God's Life inthem), a few generations into the Promised land and they were making for themselves brass serpent statues and worshiping them thinking that gave them power over the world, the flesh and the devil.
Yes, what was a sacred ritual for healing became an object for idol worship, because the heart of man is desperately wicked and will so easily be convinced that his work will make him good enough to meet a level of God's righteousness.
So trusting in the flesh rather than Faithing in God's Promises is the great weakness in humans that satan exploits in all generations.
(Did you miss the CCC part?)