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Why Is the Road to Destruction Wide and the Road to Salvation Narrow? A Meditation
Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 06-24-15 | Msgr. Charles Pope

Posted on 06/25/2015 6:53:00 AM PDT by Salvation

Why Is the Road to Destruction Wide and the Road to Salvation Narrow? A Meditation on a Teaching by Jesus

Msgr. Charles Pope • June 24, 2015 •

In the gospel earlier this week, we read a warning from Jesus that too many people just brush aside: Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few (Matt 6:12-13).

I have commented on this blog at some length in the past on the serious problem of universalism (the notion that nearly everyone goes to Heaven). I will not create another whole post on that just now, but you can read one of those older posts here: Hell is for real and not rare.

But just to summarize, most people today have the teaching exactly backwards. Whereas Jesus says “many” are on the road to destruction and only “a few” travel the narrow road (of the cross) to salvation, most reverse what Jesus says and claim that many go to Heaven and only a few (if any) go to Hell. Don’t do that. Jesus is not playing games with us. No one loves us more than Jesus does, and no one warned us more of judgment and Hell than Jesus. And even though He doesn’t give percentages for each category, do not refute His words by trying to make “many” mean “few” and “few” mean “many.”

The question does surely arise as to why many walk the wide road to destruction and Hell. Is it because God is stingy or despotic? No. God surely wants to save us all (Ez 18:23; 1 Tim 2:4). The real answer is that we are hard to save and we must become more sober about that. We have hard hearts, thick skulls, and innumerable other traits that make us a difficult case.

If even a third of the angels fell, that ought to make us very aware of our own tendency to fall. This should make us more humble about our own situation. The fallen angels had intellects vastly superior to ours and their angelic souls were not weighed down with the many bodily passions that beset us. But still, they fell! Adam and Eve, possessing preternatural gifts and existing before all the weaknesses we inherited from sin, also fell. Are you and I, in our present unseemly state and vastly less gifted than the angels, really going to claim that we are not in any real danger or are easy to save?

We need to sober up and run to God with greater humility, admitting that we are a hard case and in desperate need of the medicines and graces that God offers. He offers us His Word, the Sacraments, holy fellowship, and lots of prayer! We need not be in a panic, but we do need to be far more urgent than most moderns are about themselves and the people whom they say they love.

Consider some of the following ways we can be a hard case in terms of being saved (Disclaimer, I do not say all these things are true of you personally, just that we, collectively, have these common tendencies):

1. We have hard hearts and stubborn wills – While some of what this includes is specified more below, here is a good place to begin. God, speaking to us through Isaiah the Prophet, says, I know that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead is bronze (Is 48:4). He is talking about us!

2. We are obstinate – If something is forbidden we seem to want it all the more. St Paul laconically observes, When the commandment came, sin sprang to life (Rom 7:9). If something is harmful we want it in abundance, but if it is helpful we are often averse to it. We like our sweets and our salty snacks, but vegetables rot in the refrigerator. In the desert the people of Israel longed for melons, leeks, onions, and the fleshpots they enjoyed in Egypt. Never mind that they were slaves then. But when it came to the Bread from Heaven, the Holy Manna, they said, We are disgusted with this wretched manna (Num 21:5). We are obstinate, turned outward toward sin instead of inward toward God in a Holy embrace. Jesus sadly remarked that judgment would go poorly for many because The light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed (Jn 3:19).

3. We don’t like to be told what to do – Even if we know we ought to do something, or to stop doing something, the mere fact that someone is telling us often makes us either dig in our heels and refuse, or else comply, but resentfully rather than whole-heartedly.

4. We are not docile – When we were very young we were fascinated with the world around us and kept asking “Why, Mommy?” or “Why, Daddy?” But as we got older our skull thickened; we stopped asking why. We figured we knew better than anyone around us. The problem just worsens with age, unless grace intervenes. St Paul lamented, For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths (2 Tim 4:3-5).

5. We love distraction and don’t listen – Even when saving knowledge is offered to us, we are too often tuned out, distracted, and resistant. ADHD is nothing new in the human family. God says through Jeremiah, To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot listen; behold, the word of the LORD is to them an object of scorn; they take no pleasure in it (Jeremiah 6:10). Jesus invokes Isaiah to explain why He speaks to the crowds only in parables: For this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed (Is 6:10).

6. We are opinionated – We tend to think that something is true or right merely because we think it or agree with it. Having opinions, even strong ones, about what is right and true is not wrong per se. But if God’s Word or the Church’s formal teaching challenges your opinion, you’d better consider changing it, or at least making distinctions. The last time I checked, God is just a little smarter than you are. His official teaching in the Scripture and the Doctrine of the Church is inspired and you are not. Scripture says, All we, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way (Is 55:8). Or again, Can the pot say to the potter, “You know nothing”? (Is 29:16) Or yet again, Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, “What are you making?” (Is 45:9) But still many go on with their own opinions and will not abide even the clear correction of God.

7. We have darkened intellects due to unruly and dominating passions – Our strong and unruly passions cloud our mind and seek to compel our will. Too easily, without training and practice in virtue, our baser faculties come to dominate our higher faculties, making unreasonable demands for satisfaction. And thus we love to tell ourselves lots of lies. We suppress the truth and our senseless minds become darkened ( Romans 1:21). The catechism says, The human mind … is hampered in the attaining of … truths, not only by the impact of the senses and the imagination, but also by disordered appetites which are the consequences of original sin. So it happens that men in such matters easily persuade themselves that what they would not like to be true is false or at least doubtful. (Catechism #37). And the Second Vatican Council, in Lumen Gentium 16, says, But very often men, deceived by the Evil One, have become vain in their reasoning and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator.

8. We are lemmings – We are too easily swayed by what is popular. We prefer ephemeral notions to ancient and tested wisdom. Tattoos, tongue bolts, and piercings are in? Quick, run out and get one! Whatever the fad or fashion, no matter how foolish, harmful, or immodest, many clamor for it. Let a Hollywood star get a divorce and soon enough everyone is casting aside true biblical teaching against it. The same goes for many other moral issues. What was once thought disgraceful and the stuff of back allies is now paraded on Main Street and celebrated. And like lemmings, we run to celebrate what was once called sin (and is still sinful from any biblical stance). Instead of following God we follow human beings. We follow them and the “culture” they create, often mindlessly. Yes, lemmings is the right image.

9. We live in a fallen world, governed by a fallen angel, and we have fallen natures. Many seem to abide all of this quite well and make quite a nice little home here.

10. If all this isn’t enough to show that we are a hard case, consider a “few” others. We are so easily, in a moment, obnoxious, dishonest, egotistical, undisciplined, weak, impure, arrogant, self-centered, pompous, insincere, unchaste, grasping, harsh, impatient, shallow, inconsistent, unfaithful, immoral, ungrateful, disobedient, selfish, lukewarm, slothful, unloving, uncommitted, untrusting, indifferent, hateful, lazy, cowardly, angry, greedy, jealous, vengeful, prideful, envious, contemptuous, stingy, petty, spiteful, indulgent, careless, neglectful, prejudiced, and just plain mean.

So if the road to destruction is wide (and Jesus says it is) don’t blame God. The road is wide for reasons like this. We are a hard case. We are hard to save. It is not that God lacks power, it is that we refuse to address much of this. God, who made us free, will not force us to change.

We ought not kid ourselves into thinking that we can go on living resistant to and opposed to the Kingdom of God and its values, but that then magically at death we will suddenly want to enter His Kingdom, which we have resisted our whole life. Jesus said that many prefer the darkness. Is it really likely that their preference will suddenly shift? Will not the glorious light of Heaven seem harsh, blinding, and even repulsive to them? In such a case is not God’s “Depart from me” both a just and merciful response?  Why force a person who hates the light to live in it? I suppose it grieves God to have to abide such a departure, but to force a person to endure Him must be even more difficult to abide. I am sure it is with great sadness that God accepts a person’s final “No.” Yes, the road is wide that leads to destruction. It is wide because of us. The narrow road is the way of the cross, which is a stumbling block and an absurdity to many (1 Cor 1:23), who simply will not abide its message. So, we ought to be sober about the Lord’s lament. We ought also to be more urgent in our attempts to secure our own unruly soul and the souls of those we love for the Kingdom. The blasé attitude of most moderns is rooted in the extremely flawed notion that judgment and Hell are not real issues. That is a lie, for it contracts Jesus’ clear word. Why is the road to destruction wide? Because we are hard cases; we are hard to save. We ought not be unduly fearful, but we ought to run to Jesus in humility and beg Him to save us from our worst enemy—our very self. If you don’t think you’re a hard case, read the list above and think again.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; History; Theology
KEYWORDS: catholic
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To: metmom

Sorry, I probably should’ve included you on my reply in post #40. :-)

41 posted on 06/25/2015 3:27:52 PM PDT by LearsFool ("Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise.")
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To: LearsFool

Many of those who oppose Catholic errors are former catholics who came to the Lord on his terms and eventually left the catholic church for having identified these... so of course they are going to oppose them....they know them all too well, but moreso the deception which is behind them.

This should not be a surprise to any as those who often leave cults and or false religions are best positioned to see the errors which took them there in the first place....the truth sets people free from bondage and they have experienced both.

A caged animal from infancy hasn’t a clue what freedom’s been caged it’s life....but once it has known freedom and continues to grow it will never re-adapt to “bondage” again.

I honestly don’t think you can get in any ones way if you’re in line with scriptures in what you believe....

42 posted on 06/25/2015 4:08:52 PM PDT by caww
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To: caww
Many of those who oppose Catholic errors are former catholics who came to the Lord on his terms and eventually left the catholic church

That would be me. 😊🇵🇭

43 posted on 06/25/2015 4:26:58 PM PDT by Mark17 (Lonely people live in every city, men who face a dark and lonely grave. Lonely voices do I hear)
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To: Rashputin
......”Are you saying that Catholics are, by definition, not Christians?......

Let's let Jesus address that when he says.....“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven”........

As for I see it the statements opposing catholics are not intended to be malicious or injure individuals...that does not mean what is stated wouldn't do so, especially for those with high sensitivities, or those who might have a sense of conviction when the truth is revealed as so.

What I have seen is generally those who feel slandered are those who are opposing the truth.....especially when they have no argument or are unable to defend their position, if they have one at all...sometimes some simply like to get in the way.

44 posted on 06/25/2015 4:27:21 PM PDT by caww
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To: Rashputin
......”Are you saying that Catholics are, by definition, not Christians?......

Let's let Jesus address that when he says.....“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven”........

As for I see it the statements opposing catholics are not intended to be malicious or injure individuals...that does not mean what is stated wouldn't do so, especially for those with high sensitivities, or those who might have a sense of conviction when the truth is revealed as so.

What I have seen is generally those who feel slandered are those who are opposing the truth.....especially when they have no argument or are unable to defend their position, if they have one at all...sometimes some simply like to get in the way.

45 posted on 06/25/2015 4:27:24 PM PDT by caww
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To: Mark17
Often catholics who have left catholic-ism are in the best position to oppose catholic teachings for they have experienced both being bound and free...they KNOW the difference very well.

You left so that tells me God saw you as one “seeking Him with all your heart” and a desire to know His Truth as he wants it be learned and heard.

I have a friend in Cal. who left the catholic church who now has home bible study with others seeking the Lord. Many who come there were introduced to cathoicism but have not found ‘it’ satisfied them....too rigid and too demanding with Masses and dictates how to believe even if they don't understand.

Good on you for answering His call on your heart mind and soul! The truth shall set you free...and you are free indeed! God never disappoints the true seeker of Him.

46 posted on 06/25/2015 4:36:39 PM PDT by caww
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To: caww
Good on you for answering His call on your heart mind and soul! The truth shall set you free...and you are free indeed! God never disappoints the true seeker of Him.

Yes, God never disappoints. I hate to sound like a one issue rant, but I dumped the Catholic Church, because I knew I could never live up to their plan of salvation. I knew if I lived under that system, I would end up in hell fire. 🔥 So, when given the choice between deal or no deal, I chose no deal. Now, I have assurance of salvation. 😇 Ain't like grand? 😆

47 posted on 06/25/2015 4:59:42 PM PDT by Mark17 (Lonely people live in every city, men who face a dark and lonely grave. Lonely voices do I hear)
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To: Bryanw92
Sounds like this Methodist church, being unsatisfied with Jesus' goals for the church He built, decided to invent their own. If that's correct, then this is a church no disciple of Christ ought to join himself to. It's sad to see, but comes as no surprise to those who have studied His teaching in the gospels.

To their credit, it sounds (from your description) like they were at least staying within His teaching on the few/the many, the narrow path/the wide path. So often Jesus foretold that few are able to follow Him. And perhaps this church is comprised primarily of those who are unable to do so, unable to set aside their own ideas - accumulated, perhaps, over a lifetime - and let God fill their minds with His ideas through an arduous study of His revelation in the Scriptures.

When one fellow asked Jesus whether there were few who would be saved, He replied:

"Make every effort (strive, struggle, labor, agonize, endeavour with strenuous zeal) to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to." - Luke 13:24
48 posted on 06/25/2015 5:02:35 PM PDT by LearsFool ("Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise.")
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To: LearsFool

**because I quoted the Scriptures on a subject in which Catholics are right and the poster is wrong.**

Thanks, we notice.

49 posted on 06/25/2015 5:08:35 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: caww
Christ also said that those who don't eat His flesh and drink His blood have no life in them.

Sorry, but following Self and Self Alone isn't following Christ, the Holy Spirit didn't take a fifteen hundred year long vacation, and thousands of little groups claiming to have the truth don't supersede His Church.

That trash about a deliberate slander being something someone feels because they're opposing the truth may be cute for the Politically Crowd but it's an obvious canard to avoid a straight up yes or no answer.

50 posted on 06/25/2015 5:08:50 PM PDT by Rashputin (Jesus Christ doesn't evacuate His troops, He leads them to victory.)
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To: caww
I understand that it can take a while for a person to study his way out of error. And Catholicism is infamous for discouraging such study by making its adherents dependent on its priests (etc.) for understanding the Scriptures.

Unfortunately, many other manmade churches duplicate this dependence with their councils, conventions, synods, etc., the result being that the victim merely switches from one blind guide to another. (Is falling into one ditch preferable to another?)

Yes, those who have escaped the bondage of Catholicism are well-positioned to expose and oppose its errors. Nor am I surprised when they do so loudly and often. But if they're unwilling to see and cease from their own, are they any better off? (And yes, I've exposed errors found within "Protestantism" here on FR, and been met with stubborn resistance.)

It's simply not enough to escape one false religion. Recall what Jesus said happened to some who escaped from paganism and became converts to Judaism - a true religion corrupted by manmade doctrines:

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are." - Matt. 23:15
51 posted on 06/25/2015 5:29:47 PM PDT by LearsFool ("Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise.")
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To: Salvation
Don't mistake me for an ally of Catholicism. Catholicism lures people astray with a corrupted gospel.

Our aim instead ought to be to speak as Paul did:

"For we are not as the many, corrupting the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God, speak we in Christ." - II Cor. 2:17
52 posted on 06/25/2015 5:47:08 PM PDT by LearsFool ("Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise.")
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To: LearsFool

And Paul was a Catholic apostle.

53 posted on 06/25/2015 6:07:42 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Not even close.

54 posted on 06/25/2015 6:08:58 PM PDT by DrewsMum
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To: DrewsMum

On whose authority?

55 posted on 06/25/2015 6:15:25 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: LearsFool

>>”Make every effort (strive, struggle, labor, agonize, endeavour with strenuous zeal) to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” - Luke 13:24

Many will try and fail. In fact, almost everyone who tries will fail.

But, God had a plan. Jesus died on a cross so that he could bring you through, not because you tried but because he succeeds. He always succeeds.

56 posted on 06/25/2015 6:19:41 PM PDT by Bryanw92 (Sic semper tyrannis)
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To: Rashputin
Any way you frame it, slandering Christisns is slandering Christians and that's all that the wolves in sheeps clothing post, one slander of Christians after another.

I would not call Catholics Christians anymore than I would call Mormons Christians..neither trust in Christ..both trust in their own righteousness and works ...they both have a jesus that does not save

57 posted on 06/25/2015 6:28:31 PM PDT by RnMomof7
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To: Rashputin

Your post makes no sense at all in response to mine.....better to stop now.

58 posted on 06/25/2015 7:01:48 PM PDT by caww
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To: Bryanw92
Many will try and fail despite God's plan - which was being put into action when Jesus said this. Because, like the Jews of that time, many are trying to get into the kingdom THEIR way instead of His.

"then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’"

As if to say, "We know you, Jesus!" Just like people today who say, "I know Jesus!"

"But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’"

I guess when Jesus says to "make every effort to enter," He really means it.
59 posted on 06/25/2015 7:03:20 PM PDT by LearsFool ("Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise.")
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To: LearsFool

>>I guess when Jesus says to “make every effort to enter,” He really means it.

When he said that, he had not completed his work on the cross yet. Salvation does not come from our works. It comes from HIS work. Our life cannot be clean enough, but he gives us HIS perfect life to present as our own.

In modern terms, he is telling those who are making every effort, “yeah, good luck with that!” In fact, he tells the rich, young ruler just that when the man says that he’s done everything he needs to do be saved, so Jesus tells him to do one more thing—and its that one thing that he CAN’T do. Jesus isn’t driving him away. He is making him know that the man can’t save himself because he just isn’t perfect enough.

60 posted on 06/26/2015 9:40:52 AM PDT by Bryanw92 (Sic semper tyrannis)
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