Abortionist try to blur when life begins. When does a soul begin?
We even hear of babies breathing outside the mother’s body in abortion clinics. Does that breathing baby have a soul? I absolutely believe so. Abortionists are reckless with their very own souls.
“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” — C. S. Lewis
God bestows the soul upon conception. He takes the precious soul back home, when we murder the body.
A soul is that which makes a thing what it is. It is the life-giving principle or "form" of the body, to use Aristotle's terminology.
This is why the moment of death is binary. While there is very little difference in the parts of the body in the moment before and the moment after death, the transition point from life to death is sharp, like the turning off of a light switch. Death occurs when the spiritual soul separates from the body.
The living body is a composition of form and matter. This is why we say that the body decomposes after death. The form is no longer united with the body. This is an unnatural state, inasmuch as this was not the case before the fall, and this is why death naturally appalls us.
On the other end of our lifespan, the beginning, we can determine ensoulment by determining when a body becomes an independent being. Individuation occurs at fertilization. This new entity is not a part of the mother, but an independent being, with its own pattern of development and DNA distinct from that of the mother and father. Sometime during fertilization the soul is united with the body.
The soul starts at conception. That’s one reason they say that we are created in the image of God.
You dont have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body. C. S. Lewis
Great quote. Thank you.