Since you asked: it's impossible to understand because He IS giving such infallibility to you if what you say is correct! You just don't want to admit that you are claiming the charism of infallibility for yourself because you know what that would necessarily imply.
It's like you're saying, "The Holy Spirit doesn't give me HIS infallibility He just teaches me the correct Scriptural meaning". The problem with that is, if you don't acknowledge that that's the very definition of the charism of infallibility (actually it's a stronger meaning than even the Pope claims but I digress) then you are saying that the way He "teaches" you is via some disembodied voice either audible or inside your head that dictates to you the "proper" meaning of Scripture. This can be your only meaning since you clearly reject being taught by "fallible men".
I'm sorry to be so blunt now but this is the truth: That (the way He "teaches" you is via some disembodied voice either audible or inside your head that dictates to you) is the definition of self-deception! Wake up before it's too late.
1. Is what Paul wrote infallible?
2. Was Paul thereby to be considered infallible?