When a person dies, the physical body dies. But the soul is judged instantly by Christ as your life flashes in front of you.
The soul is very much alive. If Jesus sends the soul to heaven, that person has eternal life.
If Jesus sends that soul to hell, that person has eternal damnation and fire.
If Jesus sends that soul to Purgatory, it is so that the soul can be purified by suffering and penance it did not do while on earth.
Remember that all souls must be perfect before entering heaven.
....”If Jesus sends that soul to Purgatory, it is so that the soul can be purified by suffering and penance it did not do while on earth”.....
There’s no such thing as purgatory....they’re cannot be otherwise the work of the cross accomplished nothing at all.
Either Jesus died for us and forgives is of sins, and to grant us eternal life with him by that...or it’s all a lie.
I’ve often wondered how people that believe they are praying someone out of purgatory tells when they’ve finally made it????? Becuase otherwise if they don’t know then they too die without knowing....
What is there that you can do to earn that salvation? If you are doing it by suffering, why did Jesus die?
My faith does not teach that “Jesus sends” the souls of people anywhere. People have FREE WILL (which GOD already gave to every human); therefore, WE CHOOSE where we will spend eternity. Jesus was not given the authority to “send” our soul anywhere. Remember He said, “Whosoever will may come”. That has to mean that we have a choice.
IF WE choose Jesus, our spirit will automatically end up in Heaven after our physical death; and if we DO NOT choose Jesus, our spirit will automatically end up in Hell after our physical death. The spirit knows prior to death whether it will end up in Heaven or Hell. It may not want to admit it, but it knows. That may explain why many people make that choice to accept Jesus on their death bed (prior to death of the physical body).
Remember, we are a spirit, we live in a body, and we have a soul (our mind, will and emotions). We are a 3-part person just like our Creator.
This should not be a difficult concept for anyone.
And those who believe are made perfect through Christ. No further suffering or pennance needed. Christ is sufficient.