We are the only ones that actually study Canon law. J/K
Seriously in any faith group you are going to find 4-5 distinct groups. 1) The lapsed / Socials. They attend on special occasions (Christmas and Easter, weddings and funerals) or when and if they feel like it
2) The nominals. They know most of the rules and follow them because that is the way they were raised. Their kids attend Sunday morning religious ed classes and are schooled in the basics just like them but no more than that. They may or may not attend various functions but are not on committees or groups. They participate but will not lead. This is probably 70-80% of that churches members.
3) The Devout. Not only do they know the rules they can quote them and have copies of the book at their finger tips.They attend every function, are on every committee and are involved at the leadership positions. They make the councils and boards.
4) The Extremists. These are the people that ones that know better than everyone and will go out of their way to TELL you they know better. They don't take it one step too far they take it the entire stair case to far. They are not on the committee or board they start their own committee or board and are the chair. Think Westboro Baptist meets Hale-Bopp.
5) The Called/Ordained Genuinely devout. They have dedicated their lives to service. Regardless of their "denomination" They have a genuine love of the Lord and seek to serve Him through service to Him directly and through others to Him. Think Mother Teresa, Billy and Ruth Graham, etc...
There are a number of subsets and there can be cross overs / transitional members of the various groups, but these make up pretty much any congregation.
It appears that you are a Number Four.