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To: Steelfish

I respect and admire Mary for the example she gave for ALL Christians of being humble and submissive to the will of Almighty God. Unlike Moses, for example, she didn’t doubt or try to argue with God about how He would use her to further the salvation of the entire world. I think we can properly honor her by remembering these truths without going beyond what is written to exalt her above what we are told in God’s word. To GOD be the glory now and forevermore.

108 posted on 03/26/2015 2:10:17 PM PDT by boatbums (God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him.)
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To: boatbums
I think we can properly honor her by remembering these truths without going beyond what is written to exalt her above what we are told in God’s word.

Where did you EVER get a crazy idea like that???

1 Corinthians 4:6
Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying,
"Do not go beyond what is written." Then you will not take pride in one man over against another.
Oh... never mind....

124 posted on 03/26/2015 2:36:00 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: boatbums

Protestant’s have no business telling Catholics what is God’ Word. It was through Petrine authority that the Catholic Church assembled the books in the Bible by referencing what are both the authentic WRITTEN texts and the ORAL TRADITION (Jn. 21: 25). Before the torrential mudslide of Protestantism there existed the Church that in the Synod of Rome AD 382 set forth what was God’ true written Word.

That infallibility did not evaporate ELEVEN centuries later with the evil of Protestantism where every Tom, Dick, and Harry and their grandmother and the Rev. Jeremiah Wrights and the Joel Osteens and Biily Grahams of this world get to crack open the pages of the Bible and purport to authoritatively pronounce the true word of God. This is more than risible, its a caricature of Protestantism where mainline denominations now allow for married gays and lesbian pastors as an authentic teaching of an all inclusive scriptural interpretation.

Little wonder that leading Episcopalian and Protestant theologians have converted to Catholicism leaving low-information Protestants stranded in the pews. It happened with Jimmy Swaggart, Benny Hinn, Tammy Fave Baker, Creflo Dollar, an the list of other nuts who try to tell us what is God’ true Word.

The Church and the Church alone is the final deposit of God’s infallible word. Those who doubt the infallibility of the Church today must then logically have doubts about its infallibility in AD 382 when it assembled the authentic written Word of God. That authenticity did not disappear into the ether with the multitude of contrary interpretation of God’s Word unleashed by Protestantism.

The Miracle at Cana tells it all as well as the last words of Christ on the Cross. No Protestant interpretations needed here either by lay folks or pastors of neighborhood Foursquare churches. Just pick up a book by the great theological Einstein of our times, Benedict XVI or the the late Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s “Life of Christ.” The Catholic theological and intellectual traditions cannot ever be matched. Never.

183 posted on 03/26/2015 7:38:19 PM PDT by Steelfish
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