So, supposedly prophetic words are...
...recorded at great difficulty on golden plates,
...survive the centuries of gold-diggers,
...with a ghost guy named Moroni given a special mantle to lead a lad named Smith to find,
...who is supposedly somehow handed a urium & thummim device we don't see operated by Mormon "prophets" today -- even tho it's rumored to be in the special underground vault maintained by the Mormon church...
...and this "revelation" is meticulously recorded by Martin Harris.
...since Harris took the manuscript home...
...and it's been since alleged that his wife hid it or lost it...
...we just don't have it...
...only an alleged "abridgement" Smith hastily edited...
...leaving out aplenty as "Book of Mormon" editor/slasher.
Obviously it must have been important! The Mormon god wanted everyone to read it. So it wasn't the Mormon god that didn't put it in the Book of Mormon; that was man's choice. That included Joseph Smith's choice to FAIL to double back & reconsult his sources...
...whether it was...
...a gold plate...
...a urim & thummim...
...and a hat...
(I mean what kind of a god is this who falters at the hands of Mrs. Martin Harris???)
Likewise, perhaps...
...the large plates of Nephi
...& the unabridged version of Ether
...& all those buried plates buried in the ground that the "prophet" Mormon didn't touch...
...contained doctrine on not teaching age 8 as the golden age of accountability ... who knows...but one thing is for certain, the Mormon god wanted us to read it.
References above: See:
* The large plates of Nephi [reduced to an abridgement: 3 Nephi 5:8-17; Words of Mormon 1]
* The supposed "numerous plates" buried in a hill that the "prophet" Mormon didn't touch (Mormon 1:3-4)
* The unabridged version of Ether (Ether 1:1-5; Moroni 1:1)