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How the Virgin Mary Blessed the United States ^ | March 13, 2015 | Fr. Joseph Esper

Posted on 03/16/2015 1:40:04 PM PDT by NKP_Vet

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To: RetiredArmy
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. (Romans 5:12)

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all. (I Cor. 15:20-28)

141 posted on 03/17/2015 2:56:02 PM PDT by boatbums (God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him.)
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To: MamaB

Without Mary, we would have no Jesus.

142 posted on 03/17/2015 3:05:22 PM PDT by simonjo
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To: 9thLife
It would be pointless to debate you. But for the benefit of any observers let the record show that this is opinion that thinks it’s fact.

Call it what you want, but not only does the rocord show that the "body" of the RCC is the origin of the concept of "incorporation," but legal records also show incorporation in D.C. traces back to parent incorporation in the City of London, which in turn traces its praent incorporation to the Vatican. These are facts. And they are also why the current Pope can, and did, proclaim the negation of corporate indemnification over a year ago. That the Catholic Church has an extremely heavy involvement with legal incorporation over the centuries is indisputable. I am not praising or condemning it here, simply asserting its existence. Ignore it if you want, it doesn't change anything.

143 posted on 03/17/2015 3:10:28 PM PDT by Talisker (One who commands, must obey.)
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To: Elsie


144 posted on 03/17/2015 3:19:00 PM PDT by goodwithagun (My gun has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's car.)
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To: boatbums; lurked_for_a_decade

I have no problem with disagreements. I do have a problem with the Alinsky tactics used to eliminate all rational discussion. When I was questioning my faith, it was those that drove me away with their anger. The Catholic threads allowed me to post and ask thoughtful questions although I was Protestant. Those angry FReepers have been aptly named by lurked_for_a_decade ( Westboro Wing of the Free Republic Evangelical Dispensationlist Causcus of the Free Repubulic Religious Forum.

Thank you for the name lurked!

145 posted on 03/17/2015 3:28:26 PM PDT by goodwithagun (My gun has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's car.)
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To: simonjo
Without Mary, we would have no Jesus.

Without Mary, we wouldn't have God...

No wonder she's so high on the list...

146 posted on 03/17/2015 3:51:33 PM PDT by Iscool
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To: Springfield Reformer
Obviously God is beyond biological. So there must be something beyond biological about Him being the Father.

Yes, it's called "terminology." We call God "the Father," but He is not male, and He is not even a He - He is infinite.

If one accepts the Judeo-Christian Scriptures as the benchmark for how to think about God, there aren't any justifications for goddess worship, either small g or big g.

Again, God is infinite. Which means God is not a "She," either. People who are into what you call "goddess worship" no more think there is a giant woman in the sky than you think there is a giant man in the sky. These words trace back to human aspects people can relate to in some way, because humanity is generally unable to relate directly to infinity.

Of course, if one is into goddess worship, there are usually quite a few other points of difference from Christianity, so discussing His mode of self-revelation in terms of gender probably comes downstream from first deciding whether Christianity is true.

To claim that the infinite God might choose to relate to people at a certain point in history through a female aspect - especially towards people who never even heard of the Bible, let alone those who have - as some sort of negation of Christianity, is absurd. And the reason goes back to that "infinity" thing. I would say, rather, that for people who have received God through the Christian teachings, then God has chosen those teachings for them. And for others, God reaches them through other associations. HOWEVER, that in no way eliminates the single, inescapable, essential truth of human beings needing to reach God through the manifestation of Christ.

And yes, I am well aware that Jesus said "I am the way." But who is this Jesus but not the infinite God? The idea that what Jesus did in the Christian tradition is the only way He ever manifested to humanity is, I believe, not only an extraordinarily limited understanding of Jesus' infinitude, it also just-so-happens to deny Jesus to a huge percentage of the human beings who have ever lived on this planet - literally billions of people. I understand that most people who call themselves Christians are fine with that - I am not. People will believe what they want to, but they shouldn't think that just because they do, others don't have a different take on the subject. The tragedy is that most people's reaction to a "different take" is to cry heresy and look for a stake.

I am also well aware that most Christians believe that my perspective on this issue denies me the title, status or right to even call myself a Christian. But so far, such denial has not interrupted my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so it doesn't bother me. And on a planet where each half of the orthodox Christian world - literally - believes the other half of the orthodox Christian world is going to hell because of differences in their definitions of orthodoxy, I hardly worry about both sides looking down their noses at me.

147 posted on 03/17/2015 4:15:28 PM PDT by Talisker (One who commands, must obey.)
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To: Syncro
The Gospel message is Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

That's part of the message. It also includes all that Christ would have us know and do. Knowing Jesus Christ is the Son of God is the first step in a life long journey.

But knowing this does not bring salvation. Belief alone does not save.

The full gospel includes proper authority to perform the ordinances God has commanded us to perform. And all the true doctrines of God. All of this was lost after the 1rst century.

148 posted on 03/17/2015 5:33:29 PM PDT by StormPrepper
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To: Talisker
The tragedy is that most people's reaction to a "different take" is to cry heresy and look for a stake.

There is such a thing as heresy, and deciding that God's choice of self-revelation as Father is meaningless would certainly qualify.

But it's a free country.  Believe whatever you like.  But if you don't like God's self-revelation as Father, you should probably take that up with Him, not us. God isn't random. God wouldn't reveal Himself as our Heavenly Father based on fake issues of terminology.  Jesus is the one who taught us to pray, "Our Father ...."  If you're going to be a Jesus follower, you kind of have to follow Jesus, accept what He teaches as true. Seriously true.  Not stupid  terminology games.  If Jesus says He is the Father, then that's the right way to describe Him.  Again, I'm sorry this bothers you, but us "non-heretics" (at least that is our aspiration) are simply taking Him at His word.  Getting irritated with us is like getting irate at the convenience store clerk.  We don't run the business.  We're just employees, following the Handbook.  You don't like what's in the Handbook, take it up with Management.  We just work here. :)

Same thing with the number of people to whom He has revealed Himself.  You appear to be inferring the world somehow deserves to know Him.  Based on what?  We are a criminal race.  None of us deserves anything from Him.  That why they call it grace when He chooses to reveal Himself to someone.  I don't know the final tally, but the book of Revelation seems to suggest huge numbers of people will be in Heaven praising Him.  He's going to get through to whoever He wants to, however many He wants to.  Just like the gender issue, that's up to Him.  It's above my pay grade.  I don't get to make those decisions. I can't build my theology around what I think is fair.  I have to build it on His revealed truth.  

If you want to go a different route, that's up to you.  I don't recommend it, but who am I?  Nobody.


149 posted on 03/17/2015 6:13:59 PM PDT by Springfield Reformer (Winston Churchill: No Peace Till Victory!)
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To: Talisker
Natural Law philosophy was developed by St. Augustine, who harmonized that which the preceding philosophers had discovered and observed with truth of the Christian faith. Exactly what stake he had in trapping in deception Protestants, which didn't exist in his time, is a matter of fancy.

That the enshrining of Natural Law into founding documents is the most brilliant achievement in the history of nations and also that which sets America apart from any nation before or since should be understood by anyone who dares call himself a FReeper.

150 posted on 03/17/2015 6:20:17 PM PDT by 9thLife ("Life is a military endeavor..." -- Pope Francis)
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To: Elsie
[sp]Would you say the list that President Benson gave, which you pasted above, is true when describing the two prophets to come as spoken of by Rev 11?


[Elsie]Mormon Living Prophets® is what Benson is prattling about here; NOT biblical ones.

Ok, lets look at this then.

[President Ezra Taft Benson]1. The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.

So you believe those true prophets in Rev 11, don't speak for the Lord..

2. The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works.

So you value your own interpretation of 2000 yr old text more than someone that received instruction from God Himself face to face...

3. The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.

Your interpretation of Paul's words are more important to you than these two real prophets?

4. The prophet will never lead the church astray.

They have stood before God face to face, they will be called into heaven by the voice of Jesus Christ Himself, but you believe they will lead you astray...

5. The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at any time.

So, you believe these men can't be prophets unless they complete a Weslyan seminary, regardless of what God says?

7. The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to know.

So you believe these two are only going to tell you what you want to hear...

8. The prophet is not limited by men’s reasoning.

You believe that these prophets are limited to what you know and that's it....

11. The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.

And the proud who are Elsie...

12. The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly.

You believe the two prophets will be popular with the world. Strange seeing as how the world will give gifts when these are killed.

14. The prophet and the presidency—the living prophet and the First Presidency—follow them and be blessed—reject them and suffer.

So you believe that you can reject these two prophets and you'll be blessed.

Well, that is certainly an interesting view point you have. Good luck with that at the judgement.
151 posted on 03/17/2015 6:41:04 PM PDT by StormPrepper
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To: terycarl
Sadly, you miss the point. Lazarus died once. All BELIEVERS died once and are raised IN Jesus Christ when we believe. The point is that WHEN you believe you are raised from your life, which is DEAD IN SIN, not in human heart beating terms. Thus, once saved as Lazarus was, he was with Jesus for eternity, all eternity. This is a lesson in the fact that Lazarus is alive in Christ. The raising of the dead body was not what it was all about. Though most people who do not STUDY the Bible and Scriptures and have a real Bible believing Sunday Bible teacher teaching them the Scriptures will not understand this. This is not about his physical body living and dying. It is about BELIEVING and FAITH in Christ. Then you are raised up in Him on the last day.

As far as those being raised after the Crucifixion, once again I refer you to the comments about Sunday Bible Study. The Bible, from verse of Scripture to the NEXT verse of Scripture can actually JUMP years, decades, multiple hundreds of years forward. This is what this verse does. Speaking of those people being raised, they were NOT raised immediately after the Crucifixion. Jesus is THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. The Bible makes this crystal clear. Thus, that proves that the verse you are attempting to use to refute these people died twice, is wrong. You simply miss the fact that Scripture is not always verse by verse by verse in the same moment. Many places in Scripture, time frames jump forward. Are you a true Believer, or are you simply trying to start a fuss? If you are a Believer and are deep into your Bible, you should have understanding of these facts. If you are attempting to start a fuss, it ends here, cause I am not going to debate it with you. I believe the Bible for what it says. If you don't, that is YOUR PROBLEM. But, I would think that you have some idea of Scripture and should if you are a Believer know this, and if not a Believer, are one of those who likes to take verses out of context to start a fuss. End of statement.

152 posted on 03/17/2015 6:56:28 PM PDT by RetiredArmy (MARANATHA, MARANATHA, Come quickly LORD Jesus!!! Father send thy Son!! Its Time!)
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To: goodwithagun
Then you ought to recognize the SAME Alinsky tactics when they are used against non-Catholic Freepers. Let's not forget who it was on this very thread throwing the first slap. If hypocrisy is what you deplore, then learn to see it in yourself and those who prejudge others before a word is uttered.

From Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

153 posted on 03/17/2015 8:13:08 PM PDT by boatbums (God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him.)
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To: Elsie

Wow for 10 bucks I can get a message to Mary!

154 posted on 03/17/2015 8:40:57 PM PDT by Syncro (Jesus Christ: The ONLY mediator between God and man)
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To: terycarl
What happened to the at least two deaths of Lazarus and all those who rose from their tombs during the crucifxion??

Did they NOT die once?

A coward dies a THOUSAND deaths; while the brave die only once.

155 posted on 03/18/2015 5:28:18 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: simonjo
Without Mary, we would have no Jesus.

Without Rahab, we would have no Jesus.

156 posted on 03/18/2015 5:28:46 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: StormPrepper
So you believe that you can reject these two prophets and you'll be blessed.

Beats rejecting one!

"Now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives, and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned;

and I will go still further and say, take this revelation, or any other revelation that the Lord has given,

and deny it in your feelings, and I promise that you will be damned.

Brigham Young - JoD 3:266 (July 14, 1855)

157 posted on 03/18/2015 5:30:28 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: StormPrepper
So you believe that you can reject these two prophets and you'll be blessed.

How can one reject' what hasn't occurred?

I can sure 'reject' Joseph Smith; because he is a PROVEN false prophet.

158 posted on 03/18/2015 5:31:27 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: StormPrepper
You believe the two prophets will be popular with the world.

I do??

159 posted on 03/18/2015 5:31:55 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: StormPrepper
Well, that is certainly an interesting view point you have. Good luck with that at the judgement.

MY point of view?

All of these 'words' you try to place on ME, came from YOUR fertile(?) imagination!

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

160 posted on 03/18/2015 5:34:24 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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