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March 20 Solar Eclipse and the Four Blood Moons

Posted on 03/01/2015 11:53:53 AM PST by UnwashedPeasant

You are probably aware of the Four Blood Moons, but there is some related info that might be new to you. Between the 2nd and 3rd blood moons, there will be a significant total solar eclipse. Here are some of the strange facts for everyone to consider.

(By the way, I am not a Bible scholar, by any means. The facts might have prophetic meaning, or they might be just celestial poetry.)

TOPICS: History; Judaism; Religion & Science
KEYWORDS: bloodmoon; bloodmoons; doooooooooooooooomed; eclipse; markbiltz; solareclipse; tinfoiledagain; tinfoilery
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

Save your contra-scriptural nonsense for the comic book fans!


121 posted on 03/23/2015 2:57:51 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: delchiante; editor-surveyor
Revelation 12 gives us the sign in the heavens that Yahshua wasborn..

First, The Name is Yeshua

Tehillim 28:8
יְהוָה עֹז־לָמוֹ וּמָעוֹז יְשׁוּעוֹת מְשִׁיחוֹ הוּא׃

Revelation 1
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.

Things which must shortly take place.

Revelation 4
4 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’

‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’

At the beginning of the Book of Revelation we have two witnesses testify about things that will take place 'after this', after Yohannan's vision of heaven.

Yeshua was in heaven and Yohannan was on the isle of Patmos, ergo Revelation 12 cannot be referring to the birth of Yeshua.

Revelation 12 refers to the birth of America, read

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital
The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C.
By David Ovason

Betulah (Virgo) was the primary zodiac symbol when the Mason's laid the cornerstone of the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building. Check it out. Apply Occam's Razor.

As far as I can tell you guys lack only comprehension and retention regarding your studies. Other than that...

And once again there is no seven year time period in the Book of Revelation! Ergo no seven year tribulation. Daniel's 70th week is divided between Yeshua and the anti-Messiah. Another day...

As for your calendar confusion listen to Yeshua...
Matthew 23
23 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, 2 saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.

הַסּוֹפְרִים וְהַפְּרוּשִׁים יׂשְׁבִים עַל־כִּסֵּא משֶׁה׃


The Soferim sit in Moshe's seat!

122 posted on 03/23/2015 4:53:37 PM PDT by Jeremiah Jr (EL CHaI)
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To: delchiante; editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr
We disagree on the calendar because we disagree with when HisDay begins..

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

A "day" (meaning when there is light) is counted as a day by either method. The early and modern Hebrews/Jews begin counting a "new day" after dark, the west begins the "new day" in the middle of the night (the night being split into two halves) - not too kosher IMHO, as it goes against the Almighty's way of keeping time.

The Hebrew month begins with the sighting of the new moon (after dark) - the evening AND morning of that day, prior to the sighting, IS the last day of the month.

High Sabbaths can indeed fall on weekly Sabbaths or any other day of the week for that matter.

That's the way it has been kept for thousand of years, even during Yeshua's first time on earth. There is no controversy that I'm aware of in the scriptures concerning this.

123 posted on 03/23/2015 5:28:43 PM PDT by amorphous
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To: Jeremiah Jr; delchiante

The “seat of Moses” was a stone chair built into every synagogue in the second temple period.

The correct wording of verse 3 as found in the original Hebrew of Matthew:

“Therefore whatever HE (Moses) tells you to observe, observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.”

The words of the Greek translations cause a strong logical contradiction, that was not present in the original. Matthew 23 was a total denouncement by Yeshua of all that the Pharisees did and said; not an instruction to follow what they said.


124 posted on 03/23/2015 6:37:58 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: amorphous; delchiante; Jeremiah Jr

>> “the evening AND morning of that day, prior to the sighting, IS the last day of the month.” <<

Not sure what you’re saying there, but....

The evening (at the sighting) and the morning following are the first day of the month.

Evening begins every Biblical day.

This is why the New Testament says that they “came together on the first day of the week” when they met in the evening for Havdalah at the close of the Sabbath.

By the Roman calendar, it was Saturday evening, but by the Biblical calendar it was the first day of the week.


125 posted on 03/23/2015 6:47:56 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor; delchiante; Jeremiah Jr
Not sure what you’re saying there, but....

It can be somewhat confusing. I'm attempting to define the "first day" (the very first day as described in Genesis. Seems I may just be just adding to the confusion though. :-)

As described in the book of Genesis, there was only dark in the beginning, therefore there wasn't a evening (i.e. the evening and morning were the first day) to begin counting the first day from per say . However every "day" (the actual time of light) has both a evening and a morning, likewise the very first day did as well.

The fact is the "evening and morning" were the n day works both ways, whether describing light (day) or a 24 hour day when time is kept as the Almighty intended.

So it occurred to me that this may be what is confusing to delchiante. I was trying to make a distinction between the actual "first day" and the 24 hour time period called a day that followed after the "first day".

The 24 hour day indeed begins at sundown in scriture and in Israel even today as it well should IMO, and as it should in the west, again IMO, if we actually followed scripture.

Apologies for the confusion. I enjoy immensely understanding and sharing the fundamentals of our Hebrew roots, when discussion can take place in a cordial manner though sometimes confusion and disagreement reign. ;-)

126 posted on 03/23/2015 7:45:25 PM PDT by amorphous
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

John 20:19

When therefore it was EVENING, on THAT DAY, the FIRST DAY of the WEEK (16th), and when the doors were shut where the disciples were , for fear of the Jews, Yahshua came and stood in the middle, and says to them, Peace be unto you..and when He had said this, he showed them his hands and his sides..

How can a day begin at evening when scripture says He appeared them in the evening of the same day He was resurrected..
It would mean He came to them before they went to the tomb and scripture does not support that..

Now, the Geneva bible uses the word ‘night’..

He laid His life down on the 14th day, Passover. It wasn’t ‘even’ yet as Torah says s when the lamb is to be slain, so scripture records either a supernatural darkness or an astronimcal event that happened at the same time of His death.

He was prepared and laid in the tomb on the 14th day. There is even a scripture that records Joseph of arimathea came to Pilate when ‘even’ was now come.-mark 15:42. Mathew 27:57.. and they applied 100 lbs of ointments that apparently was being applied to the Savior’s body when the Sabbath was become.
Nothing in scripture says they did it hastily..

He rested on the High Sabbath, Feast of Unleavened bread which is the 15th ‘day’ ...

He was raised on the first day of the week, and according to Mark 16, they arrived at the tomb close to sun rising.
Feast of first fruits.. 16th day of His month (just like ezekiel’s template confirms)

The break of dawn begins the days.... It is when the first light breaks the horizon.. and for the record, it is still ‘dark’ around that time..

And scripture says later that same day He appeared to His disciples..
How many evenings can a day have?

I guess by your logic editor, a day has two evenings and that certainly is not what genesis says..

The template you readily reject given to Ezekiel 46 is why the 13th day in the evening is your Passover..

And why the gospel says He was slain on the 14th day, preparation ‘day’ for the 15th ‘day’ sabbath..

There is a reason there is no ‘evening and morning’ verse when His Seventh DAY Sabbath is detailed in Genesis. That seems odd..

He didn’t bless the 6th night... He blessed the 7th ‘Day’..

And because editor you start your ‘days’ in evening, you miss His simple unchanging calendar that commemorates His Creative and Redemptive Work..

Light, less light, no light, new light,.. even before He made the sun..

let there be ‘light’..and there was ‘light. he ccalled the Light ‘Day’.
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning.
First, day..
Day, divided the watera/firmament, then came evening , night , then came morning (if we follow some Hebrew)
Second day.
Day, gathering of the land and water , grass seeds, then came evening, night, then came morning..
Third day.
Day, sun, moon stars.. then came evening, night, then came morning.
Fourth Day.
Day, animals of the waters and air, then came evening, night, then came morning.
Fifth day
Day, living creatures, man, then came evening, night, then came morning.
6th day
Day, Elohim finished His Work on the 7th Day and rested. And hallowed it and sanctified it..
Seventh Day-
No mention of evening, night or morning in the verse in Genesis and that certainly is peculiar like it was for the other ‘days’..

The answer is plain when one sees the Light is the start of every day.
The world is not going to change..

And editor we mock what we don’t understand...
And it is plain that His calendar, that commemorates His Creative and redemptive work, is not something you desire to learn..

It is a blessing to know today is His 2nd Day of His Work Week and the 3rd Day of His month..
I don’t have to play the world’s game of naming things after false gods or created things.

You can have tiw’s day..
The world won’t mock and scoff at you,,

127 posted on 03/24/2015 4:15:35 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

The “evening” in the sense Yeshua used could have been any time after 3:00PM.

He was laid in the tomb before sunset, and it was considered “evening.”

Enough of your rejection of the Bible.

Do not post further to me with your evil intent.

128 posted on 03/24/2015 5:16:29 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

Editor, you didn’t answer that scripture witness as well as I was hoping.

I have lots more scriptures and will be happy to post them day by day’ and see if your answers get better..

We will try one from Torah..

Exodus 16- 22 and it came to passm that on the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers each for each one. 23 and he said, this is what YHWH has spoken, TOMORROW is a solemn rest, a holy Sabbath to YHWH; bake what you will bake and boil what you boil; and all that remains over save it to be kept until the morning. 24 and they saved it until the morning, as Moses Commanded and it did not become foul neither was there any worm in it. And Moses said, Eat that TODAY, for TODAY is a Sabbath to YHWH; TODAY you shall not find it in the field.

My question is why did Moses declare YHWH’s Sabbath in the MORNING , TOMORROW, and not in the Previous evening as those who call themselves Jews say Today begins in the evening?

Maybe you have a custom to see someone at 3:00 in the PM and tell them you will see them TOMORROW when you really mean you will see them in four to five hours after the sunset..

Kind of like when people say see you next year when they will see them Tomorrow .,

Not sure we can see evidence of that anywhere in scripture that Tomorrow actually meant something other than the next ‘day’..

1 Thessalonians 5:5 for you are sons of light, and sons of the day. We are not of the night , nor of darkness..

There are lots more... I will be happy to pull them together, each ‘day’ and when you stop answering, I will know you are done with wanting to debate your doctrine..

For the record editor, today is the 3rd day of His Week. The 4th day of His month. Praise Yah we have His Word that details each Day We can see what He created in Genesis and thank Him for His Creative Work.
Or the world can name it after some false god named Woden, believers and unbelievers alike..

Not sure that is what Paul was thinking when He said be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of one’s mind..romans 12..

129 posted on 03/25/2015 2:09:47 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

You can’t use the words of a weak English translation as the customs of ancient Israel, but that is exactly what you’re trying to do.

Your whole theology is comic book.

130 posted on 03/25/2015 2:25:06 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

Another non answer.

I can used the Hebrew.,.

I can ask you about Leviticus 6:19-20..

And YHWH says to Moses, saying this is the oblation of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall offer to YHWH in the Day when he is anointed.
The tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering perpetually, half of it in the MORNING ( boqer-strongs(same word used in Genesis creation) 1242- break or ‘day’ , morning, every morning) and half of it in the EVENING( Hebrew Rev( same word used in genesis creation * strings 6153- evening. Twilight, dusk, the fading of the day)..

offerings in the Morning and in the Evening,. In that order..
Why is it listed in that order by YHWH if He wanted a Day to start with an evening offering?

There is another of those types in Leviticus 7 but one day at a time..

There really is a reason for all this.. and it goes to when you observe His Feasts..

Because this coming Feast will not be observed at the same ‘time’ it was in 2014 and there is a reason for it.. and I gave that reason a few posts ago..

If people are still checking in I can show you with Passover last year and Passover this year that two different standards are being used and it can simply be proved by counting..

That is why I am detailing what ‘Day’ it is so people can do their own count to see if what I am saying has merit..

Today is His 4th Day of His week and also His 5th day of His month.. It is the 5th day people should keep up with as it will help in showing that Passover in 2014 was observed on Abib 14, in the ‘evening, but for 2015, it will be observed on Abib 13, in the evening..

Only one of those can be possible.. or scriptural..

When the same counting is applied, one who is honest will see the discrepancy..

In 2014, the new moon for Abib was spotted on March 31st and, although, you and I differ on when a day begins, the daylight of April 1 would be a New Moon Day.
That is also called in scripture the first day of the month.
If we follow scripture, it says that the Lamb was to be killed ‘on the 14th Day, in the evening.

When we look at the 2014 pope Gregory calendar, April 1 being also Abib 1 is a coincidence that helps us see this much clearer..

So, if Torah is followed, Passover would be on the 14th day, it would have been on April 14 2014.

The pope Gregory calendar I have has that very, that is a Monday.
So Jews assembled on Monday April 14, which is the 14th day from the new moon that was seen at the sunset on March 31st 2014.

The next ‘day, would be the 15th but with your reckoning editor, the 15th day begins at the sunset so when everyone wakes up from that night, it will be the Sabbath commanded for the 15th day, as commanded in scripture..

For the record, I believe that in 2014 , passover was on April 14, which was also Abib 14, as scripture commands..

The problem comes when we apply the same ‘standard’ to the 2015 passover..

The new moon was spotted at sunset of march 21, 2015.
Again, the first ‘light’ of march 22nd, would be the new moon day and the first day of the month..

So, if March 22, Sunday, is the 1st day, we are at the 5th day of His month.. ( same standard used in 2014)
If we keep counting, tomorrow is the 6th, etc, we get to see the 10th day will fall on next Tuesday. If you are still with me, Wednesday April 1st I’ll be the 11th day of His month..
The problem comes when we get to Friday April 3rd... that is the 13th Day...
I see where it says Passover begins at sunset on that day..

Now, we could use your doctrine that a day begins in the evening and say that the evening of that 13th day is actually the 14th day but it places the previous year’s observance in question if the Lamb should be consumed on the 14th in the ‘evening’ ( which is technically the 13th for you) or the Lamb is to be consumwd on the 14th in the ‘evening’ (which could also be technically the 15th) for you like it was in 2014..

What a mess.... and I know why it is a mess...and I know why there are two different standards used in 2014 and 2015 for Passover,
Which would be embarassing if anyone called jews and those who say they are Jews but are not..

Normally people wouldn’t see the difference because people don’t ‘count’ their days in this day and age like they did in scripture..

But you have stumbled on somebody who does count.. and the template I found in that thing you call a comic book, His Word..

And jews wont see it.. Christians don’t care because they have their own false holy days..

Anybody who calls today Thor’s day and is a believer does themselves a great disservice to preparation for His Kingdom..

So, here is a question... was Passover on the 14th day, in the evening, in 2014 the correct observance or will the passover on the 13th day, in the evening, in 2015, be the correct one?

Because they both can’t be..
But people who live their lives full faith in false doctrines and reliance of rabbis, priests, popes, ministers or the secular world to tell you what Day it is, have little chance of even seeing this obvious error in worship of His Feasts..

And we are told those who worship the Father will worship in spirit and Truth..

If one of those passover is truth, one is not..
And it affects the work and worship life of lots of people..

I doubt your willing to test this yourself editor.. your rabbi will tell you when to observe the feasts.. and they will listen to Rome when the pope approved Jewish sabbath of Saturn’s day conflicts with His Feasts ( like it does this year)

Maybe Daniel talking about the Roman kingdom changing times and laws should be investigated a little more by believers..
Well, except for believers who call today Thor’s Day.. probably a very narrow path with few on there...

A tangled web rabbis weave when pope Gregory’s Saturn’s Day gets involved ( that wasn’t the case in 2014)

131 posted on 03/26/2015 4:37:54 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

You’re trying to manipulate the word of God.

I have no time for this stupidity.

132 posted on 03/26/2015 7:47:13 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: delchiante; editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr
So, if March 22, Sunday, is the 1st day, we are at the 5th day of His month.. ( same standard used in 2014) If we keep counting, tomorrow is the 6th, etc, we get to see the 10th day will fall on next Tuesday. If you are still with me, Wednesday April 1st I’ll be the 11th day of His month.. The problem comes when we get to Friday April 3rd... that is the 13th Day...

March 22, (Sunday) just happens to be the first day of both the week and of the month of this particular Aviv for this year. Sundown April 3rd will begin the 14th day of the month- not the 13th day of the month as you said above.

So, here is a question... was Passover on the 14th day, in the evening, in 2014 the correct observance or will the passover on the 13th day, in the evening, in 2015, be the correct one?

The answer is they are both correct. Passover will began at sundown on April 3rd, which also begins the 14th day of the month this year as well - not the 13th you mention above.

It can be very confusing. I myself having been raised in the west, struggle with keeping the time according to the Biblical calendar. Remember the days of the month have no correlation to the days of the week which are kept separately. Also, never forget a 24 hour "day" (always preceded by night) begins at the sundown of the previous day.

133 posted on 03/26/2015 10:03:46 PM PDT by amorphous
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

Not trying to manipulate His Word..
Just trying to square how one can follow one standard one year for Passover and follow another for the next..

You know, your last yom Kippur in 2014 had the same issue that your Passover has this year.. and it is that pesky Saturn’s day that rears its ugly head again..

The new moon ( which you have stated is used to find His Feasts) occurred on the sunset of September 25th 2014.

The next ‘day’ is the 26th of september 26. That should sound familiar because that is the date that the sign in revelation 12 occurred last year.. (woman clothed with sun, moon under her feet- we have discussed that day before)

If we use the same standard that was used to find your passover in 2014, then Friday September 26th was day one.
We just count and see where 9, in the evening comes, because according to your doctrine, that would begin the 10th day and that according to His Word is the Day of Atonement and an annual sabbath with an affliction of one’s Soul..

Problem is we don’t get to ‘9’ before your Yom Kippur begins..
Yom Kippur, or day of atonement began on October 3, 2014. That is the 8th day from the new moon. (Again if we are consistent with what happened for your passover in 2014)

The 9th day, in the evening would have been the evening of Saturday October 4th.
It would have made the 10th day, if you are consistent, Sunday October 5..

Babylonian Jews observed their most holy day on the 8th day in the evening, till the 9th day, in the evening when Torah says it is to be the 9th day, in the evening, till the 10th, in the evening.

I can certainly give a verse or two in Torah about what happens to the soul of those who transgress this holy day but I suspect you are aware of them..

The only reason the day of atonement was ‘moved’ to the 8th day is because the rabbi say one cannot have two ‘Sabbaths ‘ back to back..
And they have calculated the holy days to where people who don’t pay attention allows those who do take His warnings and commands seriously, at jeopardy of worshipping on false days, and days that He didn’t appoint.

That is what is being ‘manipulated’.. the day of atonement, f you use the same consistent counting from the new moon that was done for passover 2014, began in the evening of Saturday October 4.. as you and others were ending your observance ..
And all that ‘evening’ and all the next day, my guess is you were eating and celebrating or who knows what..

On a day His calendar appoints for affliction, you were deceived into eating and drinking, and a day He appointed for ‘preparation’ of His 10th day, you were told by your rabbis to aflict your soul..

The lack of testing and proving ALL things causes all false doctrines to hang around..

Satan is involved in the Babylonian religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
And the more one tests their doctrines , the more that becomes apparent..

Because rabbis have accepted the false premise of Rome’s 7 day week, they have allowed damnable heresies and traditions of men that trump His Commandments.

Yahshua calls it vain worship..
Worshipping on Days He didn’t appoint..
And it starts at Creation and His Sabbath..

Today, if we are consistent, is His 5th day of His Week and the 6th day of His month..
A day He filled the waters with creatures and the air with birds..
The English world calls it after some goddess named Friya..

As you prepare for your sabbath, know that His Sabbath will be on a Sun’s Day this week.. ( and for the next 4 weeks)..
The Christians, like the Muslims when Friya day was a Sabbath for four weeks last month) will be assembling and maybe even doing some resting on His Sabbath..

His 14th day of His 1st month is to be a work day, preparation for the High Sabbath on the 15th.
His 15th day of His 1st month is to be a Sabbath day.
His 16th day of His 1st month is to be the first day of the week following the Sabbath..

The exact template that His death, burial and resurrection followed..

The 14th this year is a Sabbath for the babylonian Jews and Christians like the adventists.
It’s either a work or play day for Babylonian Christians.

The 15th this year is a work or play day for Babylonian Jews and Christians like the adventists.
It is a ‘Sabbath’ for Babylonian Christians BUT it is the say Christians celebrate the Resurrection.

The 16th this year is a work day for Babylonian Jews, adventists Christians and Babylonian Christians ..
Which is scriptural, BUT it is the third day that He Rose from the grave, His Resurrection Day and True day of the Feast of First Fruits.

And it will be business as usual for those who call April 5th, Monday (His 16th day)

Ouch., in a counterfeit world run by a master counterfeiter, whose desire is to steal worship, anybody see how he can deceive the whole world? Especially those in religion?

Come out of her my people is not easy.. nor popular.. nor just a call to leave the roman catholic church.

Until one sees how Satan can deceive the whole world, they will continue to live as the world lives..

Babylon has a headquarters in Rome, NYC, Washington, L.A., London, Paris, Mecca, and Jerusalem..

You and others may not see it that way..

But I have just tried to apply the same standard to your feasts and came up with different results of what is ‘believed and known’ verses what is actually done..

And you are free to continue believing days begin at night and His Sabbath has been entrusted to that virtuous kingdom of Rome’s calendar.
And continue to reject the plain calendar He set in His sky, ordained for signs, and appointed times, and days and years..
Followed by Moses and those prophets and the very calendar that followed the Messiah of Israel’s major life events like His Birth, circumcision, dedication in the temple, baptism, death, burial. and resurrection..

New moon Days, His six work days, and His sabbath.... Ezekiel 46..
A calendar born of His Kingdom..
Satan can only try to counterfeit it and with man as his vessel, has done a bang up job..

And some nobody can follow His Word and do simple math and see how much this world’s emperor and his agents in Islam, Judaism and Christianity has no clothes..

And it will be considered ‘stupidity’ and comic book.

Thank you!
I appreciate it!
Bless your heart!
Praise Yah !

134 posted on 03/27/2015 3:56:13 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

There is nothing difficult in anything about the Biblical calendar.

The effort that you make to confuse and confound it says much about you.

What can be simpler than a Sabbath every 7 days forever?

What can be simpler than a new month every time a new moon shows up at sunset?

What can be simpler than appointed days that describe Yehova’s plan from beginning to end, that are counted from the new moon, the same way every year?

You work hard at looking foolish when you try to use prophecies that you don’t understand to break Yehova’s well ordered days.

Comic book is putting it lightly.

Its all described in Leviticus; it changeth not.

135 posted on 03/27/2015 4:22:15 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

You forget one important point..

Our sovereign gave Ezekiel a command about the SIX WORK DAYS AND the SABBATH AND the NEW MOONDAYS..

That adds up to 8, not 7..

If He meant to include the NEw moon day in a count to 7, He would have said FIVE Work days..

He didn’t..

It is why Rome’s solar calendar is a countefeit

You have no excuse for that.. none..

And it is why Rome’s big day is the Sun’s Day. It s why the Vatican has a pregnant dome building and an obelisk. Ancient sun worship symbols..

The same sun worship symbol found in Washington DC, with the pregnant Capitol domeand the wWashington monument obelisk..

Ancient satanic/occultic sun worship...

And there is no mention of Saturn by name we know as Saturn in scripture, but there is a reference in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43 that shows ‘chiun’ and rephan as being related to the Egyptian repa and the Assyrian kaiwan that refers to the planet SATURN..

Amos 5:26 yes, you have borne the tabernacle of your king Moloch, and the shrine of your images, the star of your mighty one Chiun, which you made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43
And you took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of REPHAN, the figures which you made to worship them, and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

I don’t know if that is just an odd coincidence that Israel was accused of worshipping false gods and one is related to the ancient worship of Saturn or prophetic given they are willing to move His Feasts off of the appointed number days in reverence to SATURN’s Day.

You accepted Rome’s false premises and worship from their false premises.. Christians with ancient sun worship and Jews with ancient Saturn worship that is as ancient as time itself..

The calendar is named after a pope.
The first reformers, before the pope Gregory calendar was established, have quotes they considered the papacy the seat of the Antichrist and the pope Antichrist..

Those first reformers were either prophets or off their rockers..

If we accept their premise, the worlds work and worship for every in being is set by Antichrist’s calendar..named after a pope and the office of any pope the first reformers called Antichrist.

And you are willing to accept that Antichrist calendar.
I have been blessed to see it as just another counterfeit.
The world sides with you..

And it is because of that ‘new moon day’ study and asking, seeking and knocking why a new moon day wasn’t one of the six work days..
you havent done that study,.

That is why I see today as His 6th Day of His Week and the 7th Day of His month..

And why I see tomorrow as His 7th Day Sabbath( the first one of His first month) , and also the 8th Day of His Month..

Because Rome doesn’t have an answer for His New Moon.. and His Word does..

I openly reject Rome as Antichrist and their Antichrist calendar( I call it the pope Gregory calendar)

And why I don’t read Daniel or revelation the same ever since.
Praise Yah!

You are free and with America’s help, encouraged to followw Rome’s ways... the united nations concurs.the world of business concurs..

The world united in telling time..

Daniel 7:25 comes to my mind a lot.. I suspect most are very comfortable with Antichrist’s (opinion of popes of first protestant reformers) calendar ... it makes work and school much more convenient.. it would be quite a sacrifice to reject it and follow scripture...
A test of one’s faith if it gets revealed to them for sure..

So, You are wrong. His calendar is extremely difficult to follow if you are to work for people who use Antichrists calendar in this world..

Praise Yah He led me out and has provided me a job that fits His calendar. Truly trusted His Word and He has blessed my journey!

This will all sound crazy.. it would have in 2012 for me too.. but I was enslaved to the world and never knew.
Now, He has set me free to follow Him..

Sometimes faith is believing Him in spite of appearances and obeying Him in spite of consequences..

All of this is by His grace and mercy and my prayer is all believers do their own testing and proving all things of even the most simple, basic, elementary ‘truths’ or ‘givens’ ...

It was a simple question I asked Him and He hasn’t stopped teaching me..
But I was willing to ‘unlearn’ what the world taught me..

And no one but Him gets the praise, honor and glory!

New moon day is the 1st day of the new month. Six work days.. then His Sabbath..
Plain and simple.

It is why the first Sabbath in the exodus fell on the 22nd day of His month.. and why the 15th day of the 1st and 7th months are Sabbaths..
And why the Messiah was born on the 1st day of a month and circumcised on the ‘8th day, another weekly Sabbath..

The Savior was born on a new moon Day, circumcised on the 8th (per Torah law) day of the same month, a weekly Sabbath.
He was dedicated in the temple after His mother’s 40 day purification (per Torah law) on the 10th day of the next month.
( sound like a familiar day in Torah?). Rather holy day to Israel..

He was baptized on His 30th birthday, a new moon Day. A day that shadowed another ‘40 day purification’ like His birth when He was led into the wilderness for 40 DAY and 40 NIGHTS (in that order)
His next major life event happened on the 14th day of His 1st month when He laid His life down as the Passover Lamb.
He laid in the tomb, as unleavened bread, on the first day of unleavened bread, the 15th day of His 1st month. A weekly AND annual Sabbath Day.. even in death, He obeyed the Sabbath.
He rose from the grave on the 16th day, the first day of the week, also known in Torah as the Feast of First Fruits and became the First Fruits of the dead! HalleluYah!

New moon day, 6 work days, sabbath can prove All of that..

And that may sound absolutely incredible or comic book.. to good to be true that the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us would have major life events fall on appointed worship days he taught Israel?

One need not have much faith to accept this.. but it would show just how much ‘faith’ one has in the lies of religion and the world counterfeits..

But to each His own.. I know Truth...and I know Him..


136 posted on 03/28/2015 6:00:57 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

You are obviously incapable of reading Isaiah with any degree of understanding.

>> “Our sovereign gave Ezekiel a command about the SIX WORK DAYS AND the SABBATH AND the NEW MOONDAYS..” <<

No he did not!!!!!

Learn to read before posting anything to me again.

His instructions were about the gate.


137 posted on 03/28/2015 6:25:22 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: editor-surveyor; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

About a ‘future gate’.. a temple that is a shadow to come as Paul States in collosians when he quoted Ezekiel 45:17..

Problem is you said it yourself, He changes not..

In Ezekiel 46 you will also see special offering for a Sabbath

6 lambs and1 ram.. 7 animals

And for the new moon offering,,

1 bullock, 6 lambs and 1 ram.. 8 animals total.

Now most don’t study offerings and certainly nobody is saying those are to he done today..
but, am unfulfilled prophecy of a future temple, with future offerings on future new moons and Sabbaths.. ( and the work days as well)

A new moon day has one more animal in its sacrifice list than His Sabbath.

Certainly you can see how six lambs and 1 ram picture 7 days of His Creation.

Can you at least admit that 1 bullock. 6 lambs and 1 ram is also a picture of His Creation?

You probably dont adhere to us being in the 2nd earth age but there is evidence of three kingdom ages.. this 6000 year period, the 1000 years to come and the eternal kingdom.

If we know there is another new Heaven and earth due to prophecy, is it so strange to see that there was an earth age before this one and it is represented every ‘month’ with a nem moon day, then His 6 work days and then His Sabbath?

A day every moon that points to a time consuming event that occurred before He spoke Light..

We have to believe He created the heavens and the earth waste and void or His perfect creation became waste and void and He recreated it.

A new moon day is a special day in the past.. and there are biblical scholars who see Ezekiel as a millennial temple with David the Prince as a major player..

There will be no Antichrist Moon days, tiw’s days, woden’a days, Thor’s days, friya days, Saturn’s days or sun’s days in His kingdom.

there will be , from prophets like Ezekiel and Isaiah
New Moon Days, Sabbaths and Feasts.
With Six ( not 5) Work Days..

He changes not..

Again, the offering for a Sabbath day in Ezekiel 46 mirrors His Creation Week, six lambs(His 6 work days) and 1 ram( sabbath)
And the offering for a new moon day in ezekiel 46 adds another animal that at least mirrors His calendar template He gave Ezekiel -
1 bullock (new moon ), six lambs (work days), and 1 ram (sabbath)

Can you at least admit that you haven’t studied these verses with intensity and make it a point to ask Him why He instructed Ezekiel with separating six work days from new moon days and Sabbaths?
People tend to read /gloss over offerimgs , etc when we know the sacrifices are not needed anymore but maybe when His Kingdom comes, we will be getting an 1000 year lesson on why Israel was commanded to do , what they were commanded to do..

He already has taught me why little boys gets circumcised on the 8th day...because Yahshua was going to be circumcised on the 8th day.. and that 8th of His month is a Sabbath .. And a picture of us being made whole when His 7 ‘day’s are finished..

It is all about Him... we can call today His 1st Day of His week and the 9th Day of His month.. or we can call it Mon (moon’s ), day..

He gives us a choice.. and His Word gives us a template that points every new moon day, every six of His work days and His Sabbath day to His Creative and Redemptive Work..

And prophets point to a time in the future that His Kingdom will align with that template.

It is why the father of all lies is a master counterfeiter. He can’t create or redeem.. just deflect, steal and rob the Creator of glory,praise and honor due Him..

You already reject December 25 , good Friday and easter Sunday( at least I tthink you do - one may get the idea that Jews and Hebrew roots people accept Rome’s false gospel when they accept Friday as the preparation day, Saturday as the ‘sabbath’ and then easter Sunday as first fruits)
That template is shown to be false like in 2014 when Passover falls on a Monday..)

Rome’s gospel of good Friday, Saturday and Easter Sunday isn’t found in scripture that Paul taught...
But they are found in the roman catholic catechism..

Rome’s counterfeit gospel is only told with Rome’s calendar.
And you already know this instinctively..
Protestants like me never think about this...
Well, I never did before.. but now, I test and prove all things,.

Non Christians have more faith in Rome than I do today..
They have to.. they have their own ‘Friday prayers’ and Saturday sabbath that would be exposed as counterfeits the same way good friday and easter Sunday can be if one tests and proves all things..
Satan deceives the whole world means the whole world..

May He bless your journey out of Babylon..

138 posted on 03/30/2015 5:40:39 PM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante; Jeremiah Jr; amorphous

Circus posting!

Double-talk shell game car salesman.

Are you selling Edsels, or Pontiacs?

You need a Zoot Suit.


139 posted on 03/30/2015 6:58:24 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: delchiante

I had wondered about the days of the week being “floatable”...

140 posted on 03/30/2015 7:08:31 PM PDT by mdmathis6 (If Hitler, Nazi, OR...McCarthy are mentioned in an argument, then the arguement is over!)
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