You see your statement you’ve made falls exactly into the response trap it was meant to be.
go & live your life -this joker named Fracas (sic) is
merely mouthing LEFTIST words that only have impact
on socialists/marxists.
He DOES NOT provide any solution.
I could place a chair on my sidewalk , say the same thing &
draw a crowd. The crowd will listen but when the speech is
over they go home.
Pope Fracus offers no solutions. It’s the best way to
agitate socialists,facists & marxists-
Then perhaps before they go home, the crowd should hear a better solution than they would hear from Francis. Got one?
If your really thought it is was devils dung.. you would tell people to just burn it....
You don't spread the works of the devil around.. your don't “donate” the works of the devil in the collection plate... you destroy it...
So is that what I'm being told burn this devil dung I have in my possession???...
Because it sure seem the people that trash money the most... sure seem to want people to give them that same trash money