You’re welcome, metmom. I did see myself the different articles posted on Christianity that are listed as “catholicbashing” and read a couple, seeing nothing directly in them about Catholicism. It actually seems like some articles have gotten that keyword, in part at least, because the poster posting them is known to not agree with Roman Catholicism. On articles posted by Catholics, some, I think might be labeled with “catholicbashing” because of the external source (The National Catholic Reporter) or what’s happening in the story (like a couple where Roseanne Barr says things about Catholicism), while other articles get the label because of disagreement between Catholics. And in articles such as where the MSM covering a priest or the Roman Catholic Church being accused of something, it appears like the “catholicbashing” is supposedly being done by both the MSM and the poster bringing it to people’s attention here.
One can see on the pages of FR that many Catholics 'bash' their new pope.
I've yet to see ANY of them called out for 'bashing'.
it's in the eye of beholder I guess.
Or; like the dreaded "N" word; only certain folks can use it without fearing backlash.