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To: Elsie; NYer; Salvation
me in post # 165:    "... all of the fallacious, inaccurate balderdash contained in some of these sadly misguided Catholic-Bashing posts. (I believe I will start to post these links, and other interesting conversion stories, every time I find another one of these threads loaded with so much false and deceiving information concerning ...."

Elsie in post # 191:    "Mighty bold talk for a one eyed fat man! Perhaps a lurker or two; maybe even a TRUTH seeker as well; might want to see EVIDENCE of your brash accusations."


Your post right there (attacking my "conversion story links" post) is a plain example of the use of "fallacious, inaccurate balderdash" and "false and deceiving information".

It is a clear example of the use of the "ad hominem logical fallacy", based on blatantly false and scurrilously dishonest innuendo, as described below:

"Ad Hominem Fallacy" (argumentum ad hominem) - Description: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making. It can be stated directly, or indirectly (by implication/inference/innuendo, often completely falsified [as are both of your implied references in your blatantly deceptive post]). Another ad hominem variation is "needling", which is attempting to make the other person angry, taking attention off of the argument, and perhaps even trying to make the other person look foolish, rather than honestly addressing the argument.

This is clearly the fallacious argument of a person losing an argument (the loser), who appears unable to formulate even one single valid, effective, rational, cogent, and coherently meaningful argument against any of their opponent's points (or against their opponent's linked Christian testimonial presentations), so they resort to posting fallacious and false innuendo.

Elsie, another clear illustrative example of that same kind of fallacious post would be if one poster were to say to another poster:


"Mighty bold talk for a... who likes to pose as a lady!"  


Elsie, do you see how such a statement could possibly indicate a fallacious implication (unless, of course, the person referenced really does like to pose as a lady)?

347 posted on 02/07/2015 11:18:32 AM PST by Heart-Rest ("Our hearts are restless, Lord, until they rest in Thee." - St. Augustine)
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To: Heart-Rest
"'Ad Hominem Fallacy'(argumentum ad hominem) - Description: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making. It can be stated directly, or indirectly (by implication/inference/innuendo, often completely falsified). Another ad hominem variation is "needling", which is attempting to make the other person angry, taking attention off of the argument, and perhaps even trying to make the other person look foolish, rather than honestly addressing the argument."

MAJOR M.O.'s around here! Thanks for the info!

353 posted on 02/08/2015 2:04:04 AM PST by Grateful2God (Faith alone, not good works? And Mother Teresa wasted all that time with both...)
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To: Heart-Rest

Oh my goodness to Betsy!

My sexual orientation has been brought into question!!

Whatever shall I do???

383 posted on 02/08/2015 1:59:15 PM PST by Elsie ( Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Heart-Rest
Well; one can always claim that going on the offensive like this is a valid way to avoid Defending the words you've typed earlier...

"... all of the fallacious, inaccurate balderdash contained in some of these sadly misguided Catholic-Bashing posts. (I believe I will start to post these links, and other interesting conversion stories, every time I find another one of these threads loaded with so much false and deceiving information concerning ...."

384 posted on 02/08/2015 2:00:56 PM PST by Elsie ( Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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