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False teachers would have people believe that the Book of Revelation is about us living today. Nothing could be further from the truth. And now that you've seen who these riders are, I hope you'll take it upon yourself to study further.
1 posted on 01/28/2015 7:00:21 AM PST by Stingray
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To: Stingray

What is old is new again.

Prophecy often has dual fulfillment.

2 posted on 01/28/2015 7:05:07 AM PST by TruthInThoughtWordAndDeed (Yahuah Yahusha)
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To: Stingray


3 posted on 01/28/2015 7:08:47 AM PST by I_be_tc
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To: Stingray

They don’t have to be men. Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and Hillary Clinton fit the description quite well.

4 posted on 01/28/2015 7:10:14 AM PST by SpaceBar
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To: Stingray
The identity of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has mystified and intrigued people for centuries. Each symbolizes something, but what do they symbolize? When you see the connection between Revelation, the gospels, and historical facts, then you, too, will begin to understand John's incredibly powerful letter....

The rider on the white horse is Christ's apostles, sent out as a conquering force to change the world.

The rider of the red horse with the large sword represents those who persecuted, to death, Christ's messengers...whom does Christ name as the persecutors of the rider of the white horse? Jerusalem

The rider on the black horse is famine: the famine that was caused within Jerusalem after the Romans had sealed the people inside the city

Jerusalem, torn by civil war within its walls and the siege of Rome's legions without, saw thousands upon thousands of its citizens die by way of war and famine. And this is precisely what the pale horse's rider symbolizes...."a pale horse, and he who is sitting upon him--his name is Death"


5 posted on 01/28/2015 7:14:39 AM PST by Alex Murphy ("the defacto Leader of the FR Calvinist Protestant Brigades")
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To: Stingray

Ah yes, Preterism lives. And Christ set up His Kingdom on earth where all would come to worship Him when?

6 posted on 01/28/2015 7:17:40 AM PST by CynicalBear (For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus)
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To: Stingray

I think that the identity of the last three of the horsemen is generally acknowledged as the sword, famine and pestilence - the three agents of God’s wrath mentioned many times in OT prophecy. The is much conflict as to the identity of the first, white, horse. Some say it’s Jesus, some say its the anti-christ, and some, like here, say it’s Jesus’ Gospel being preached to the world.

10 posted on 01/28/2015 7:30:09 AM PST by circlecity
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To: Stingray

If you study the fall of Jerusalem and later of Rome, you see a lot of Revelation in it.

14 posted on 01/28/2015 7:40:17 AM PST by AppyPappy (If you are not part of the solution, there is good money to be made prolonging the problem.)
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To: Stingray
False teachers would have people believe that the Book of Revelation is about us living today. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I disagree.

Sure, the Book of Revelation described events that happened long ago.

However, modern society seems to be hell-bent on recreating the situation and having it happen AGAIN, but on a global scale.

17 posted on 01/28/2015 7:45:37 AM PST by UCANSEE2 (Lost my tagline on Flight MH370. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
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To: Stingray

18 posted on 01/28/2015 7:46:07 AM PST by uglybiker (nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-BATMAN!)
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To: Stingray

Have you seen any of Walid Shoebat’s lectures on Revelation and the current Middle East? Pretty interesting.

21 posted on 01/28/2015 7:47:49 AM PST by RushIsMyTeddyBear (The White House is now known as "Casa Blanca".)
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To: Stingray
Famine, Pestilence, Destruction and Death are only aliases. The real names of the Four Horsemen are Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley and Layden.
48 posted on 01/28/2015 8:43:16 AM PST by Fiji Hill (Io Triumphe!)
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To: Stingray; CynicalBear; ShadowAce; Alex Murphy
Matthew 24 (KJV)

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.


Isaiah 17:1 (KJV) The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

When Damascus is completely destroyed, which it has never been in the history of mankind, and the possibility of Roman troops destroying all flesh (and they were made of flesh, by the way) becomes real via time machine or whatever, I will gladly become Preterist.
57 posted on 01/28/2015 9:40:05 AM PST by angryoldfatman
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To: Stingray; Religion Moderator

I sincerely hope you’re not that “PhilipFreneau” fellow who was banned a while back.

63 posted on 01/28/2015 3:40:19 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Throne and Altar! [In Jerusalem!!!])
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To: Stingray
From Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary

Revelation 6, verses 1-8

Verses 1-2

Here, 1. Christ, the Lamb, opens the first seal; he now enters upon the great work of opening and accomplishing the purposes of God towards the church and the world. 2. One of the ministers of the church calls upon the apostle, with a voice like thunder, to come near, and observe what then appeared. 3. We have the vision itself, Rev. 6:2. (1.) The Lord Jesus appears riding on a white horse. White horses are generally refused in war, because they make the rider a mark for the enemy; but our Lord Redeemer was sure of the victory and a glorious triumph, and he rides on the white horse of a pure but despised gospel, with great swiftness through the world. (2.) He had a bow in his hand. The convictions impressed by the word of God are sharp arrows, they reach at a distance; and, though the ministers of the word draw the bow at a venture, God can and will direct it to the joints of the harness. This bow, in the hand of Christ, abides in strength, and, like that of Jonathan, never returns empty. (3.) A crown was given him, importing that all who receive the gospel must receive Christ as a king, and must be his loyal and obedient subjects; he will be glorified in the success of the gospel. When Christ was going to war, one would think a helmet had been more proper than a crown; but a crown is given him as the earnest and emblem of victory. (4.) He went forth conquering, and to conquer. As long as the church continues militant Christ will be conquering; when he has conquered his enemies in one age he meets with new ones in another age; men go on opposing, and Christ goes on conquering, and his former victories are pledges of future victories. He conquers his enemies in his people; their sins are their enemies and his enemies; when Christ comes with power into their soul he begins to conquer these enemies, and he goes on conquering, in the progressive work of sanctification, till he has gained us a complete victory. And he conquers his enemies in the world, wicked men, some by bringing them to his foot, others by making them his footstool. Observe, From this seal opened, [1.] The successful progress of the gospel of Christ in the world is a glorious sight, worth beholding, the most pleasant and welcome sight that a good man can see in this world. [2.] Whatever convulsions and revolutions happen in the states and kingdoms of the world, the kingdom of Christ shall be established and enlarged in spite of all opposition. [3.] A morning of opportunity usually goes before a night of calamity; the gospel is preached before the plagues are poured forth. [4.] Christ’s work is not all done at once. We are ready to think, when the gospel goes forth, it should carry all the world before it, but it often meets with opposition, and moves slowly; however, Christ will do his own work effectually, in his own time and way.

Verses 3-8

The next three seals give us a sad prospect of great and desolating judgments with which God punishes those who either refuse or abuse the everlasting gospel. Though some understand them of the persecutions that befel the church of Christ, and others of the destruction of the Jews, they rather seem more generally to represent God’s terrible judgments, by which he avenges the quarrel of his covenant upon those who make light of it.

I. Upon opening the second seal, to which John was called to attend, another horse appears, of a different colour from the former, a red horse, Rev. 6:4. This signifies the desolating judgment of war; he that sat upon this red horse had power to take peace from the earth, and that the inhabitants of the earth should kill one another. Who this was that sat upon the red horse, whether Christ himself, as Lord of hosts, or the instruments that he raised up to conduct the war, is not clear; but this is certain, 1. That those who will not submit to the bow of the gospel must expect to be cut in sunder by the sword of divine justice. 2. That Jesus Christ rules and commands, not only in the kingdom of grace, but of providence. And, 3. That the sword of war is a dreadful judgment; it takes away peace from the earth, one of the greatest blessings, and it puts men upon killing one another. Men, who should love one another and help one another, are, in a state of war, set upon killing one another.

II. Upon opening the third seal, which John was directed to observe, another horse appears, different from the former, a black horse, signifying famine, that terrible judgment; and he that sat on the horse had a pair of balances in his hand (Rev. 6:5), signifying that men must now eat their bread by weight, as was threatened (Lev. 26:26), They shall deliver your bread to you by weight. That which follows in Rev. 6:6; of the voice that cried, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine, has made some expositors think this was not a vision of famine, but of plenty; but if we consider the quantity of their measure, and the value of their penny, at the time of this prophecy, the objection will be removed; their measure was but a single quart, and their penny was our sevenpence-halfpenny, and that is a large sum to give for a quart of wheat. However, it seems this famine, as all others, fell most severely upon the poor; whereas the oil and the wine, which were dainties of the rich, were not hurt; but if bread, the staff of life, be broken, dainties will not supply the place of it. Here observe, 1. When a people loathe their spiritual food, God may justly deprive them of their daily bread. 2. One judgment seldom comes alone; the judgment of war naturally draws after it that of famine; and those who will not humble themselves under one judgment must expect another and yet greater, for when God contends he will prevail. The famine of bread is a terrible judgment; but the famine of the word is more so, though careless sinners are not sensible of it.

III. Upon opening the fourth seal, which John is commanded to observe, there appears another horse, of a pale colour. Here observe, 1. The name of the rider—Death, the king of terrors; the pestilence, which is death in its empire, death reigning over a place or nation, death on horseback, marching about, and making fresh conquests every hour. 2. The attendants or followers of this king of terrors—hell, a state of eternal misery to all those who die in their sins; and, in times of such a general destruction, multitudes go down unprepared into the valley of destruction. It is an awful thought, and enough to make the whole world to tremble, that eternal damnation immediately follows upon the death of an impenitent sinner. Observe, (1.) There is a natural as well as judicial connection between one judgment and another: war is a wasting calamity, and draws scarcity and famine after it; and famine, not allowing men proper sustenance, and forcing them to take that which is unwholesome, often draws the pestilence after it. (2.) God’s quiver is full of arrows; he is never at a loss for ways and means to punish a wicked people. (3.) In the book of God’s counsels he has prepared judgments for scorners as well as mercy for returning sinners. (4.) In the book of the scriptures God has published threatenings against the wicked as well as promises to the righteous; and it is our duty to observe and believe the threatenings as well as the promises.

IV. After the opening of these seals of approaching judgments, and the distinct account of them, we have this general observation, that God gave power to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth, Rev. 6:8. He gave them power, that is, those instruments of his anger, or those judgments themselves; he who holds the winds in his hand has all public calamities at his command, and they can only go when he sends them and no further than he permits. To the three great judgments of war, famine, and pestilence, is here added the beasts of the earth, another of God’s sore judgments, mentioned Ezek. 14:21; and mentioned here the last, because, when a nation is depopulated by the sword, famine, and pestilence, the small remnant that continue in a waste and howling wilderness encourage the wild beasts to make head against them, and they become easy prey. Others, by the beasts of the field, understand brutish, cruel, savage men, who, having divested themselves of all humanity, delight to be the instruments of the destruction of others.

83 posted on 01/30/2015 1:11:20 AM PST by PieterCasparzen (Repent !)
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To: Stingray

It’s been a long time. Good to see that you still fight the good fight. God’s peace to you.

89 posted on 01/30/2015 2:00:57 AM PST by logos (Only an educated intellectual will consistently misread plain language.)
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To: Stingray

>> “The identity of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has mystified and intrigued people for centuries” <<

Sorry, but no, only those that don’t accept the plain words of the beginning of the Revelation have any difficulty.

The revelation events began to run shortly after it was given to John in 91 or 92 AD.

It signaled the end of the apostolic era, and the beginning of Yeshua’s schedule of breaking the seals off of Satan’s title deed to planet Earth. It was to be a 2000 year process, the end of which is approaching.

We are in the 5th seal period, nearing the 6th seal.


101 posted on 01/30/2015 7:48:53 PM PST by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: Stingray

Zechariah 1: 7-17 8 During the night I had a vision—and there before me was a man riding a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in a ravine. Behind him were red, brown and white horses.

Just to note that the 4 horseman are not a new aberration from God.

140 posted on 01/31/2015 2:17:23 PM PST by EBH (And the angel poured out his cup...)
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