I do not believe this, it sounds wonderful but because Christ too is God like His Father then he too would exist in the same way in all times, but, he told his Apostles that no one knew the time of his return including Him, only His Father. To me that denies the existence in timelessness.
I am not an intelligent philosopher like many here but that is what my little mind sees.
When my children were small I knew what they would do in a given situation, they never surprised me until they got older and had experiences and influences that I was not aware of. God is aware of all of our experiences and knows us better than we know ourselves. We would not be satisfied being judged on what we would have done, to our finite minds we must have the opportunity to make choices, good and bad and see for ourselves if we will make the right choices and to know the judgement is true.
It would be easy to say “I would have accepted Christ and followed His law.” It is another thing entirely to do it. Being judged without seeing for ourselves what we would do would seems most unfair to many or perhaps most of us. I believe that like I love my children so God loves us and wants us happy and created this earth so that we could see our own test results instead of being informed of what we would have done given the chance.
It seems the time when Christ returns is only “a time” in this world. In God’s reality it must be something very different.