Why can’t they see the truth? It s so easy to understand. The Bible is so much more important than tradition. Men make mistakes but God doesn’t. It is like they have never read the Bible.
It's the lemming effect.
Also what MOM always said:
If your FRIENDS jump off a bridge...
Here is another aspect to consider. I agree, it is SIMPLE. Just the fact that there are bunch of spurious, pernicious cult type counterfeit religions out there, should give us this idea. The counterfeit religions, are a poor copy of the real thing (Biblical Christianity) If it was not true, why would Satan be out there creating false religions? Satan tries to imitate the REAL THING with counterfeit religions, giving us further evidence that Biblical Christianity is the truth. Of course, to us saved people, the best evidence we have that Biblical Christianity is true, as opposed to the counterfeit religions, is a changed life. I had no difference in my life when I belonged to a counterfeit religion. When I met the real Jesus, not the Jesus of the cults, my life was transformed. Something that was utterly unknown in the cult I was in before.