you seem to have little , if any, understanding of what Catholicism is. Catholics have, for over 2,000 years, been dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. We do NOT pray to Mary instead of Jesus and we realize that the answer to EVERY PRAYER if from Jesus. You can't possibly have attended a Mass if you think that we don't worship Jesus....the entire Mass is dedicated to Him and the Eucharist, which you are sadly missing, is the focal point of every Mass.
I understand that you are from a fundamental Baptist background, but your family and the local preachers are no substitute for the truth that only the Catholic church represents. You say that you have heard this and that about Christ's church....well, of course, since the revolution, many mistaken opinions and teachings have sprung forth but they are easily refuted by just paying attention to the teachings of the Catholic church and learning from where each dogma or teaching eminates.
We are all surrounded with those who, 1,600 years after the fact, decided that they knew better than the original church what Christianity meant......they don't.
Mind you, they aren't necessarily wrong about everything, but they are either incomplete or in error on some very important things.
Don’t you have some beads to fondle?