“According to Catholic teaching, the Orthodox is in schism. I dont expect you to agree.”
Of course there’s a schism, and you folks are welcome back anytime....
The foregoing notwithstanding, what does the schism have to do with who is or is not a member of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church? The fact that our bishops and your bishops are not in communion has nothing, from a theological stand point, to do with the validity of your sacraments or ours. Indeed, as I am informed, I am welcome to receive any sacrament from your priests. If I am not “Catholic”, how can that be?
It wasn’t always that way. Pre-Vatican II schismatics were not allowed to receive Catholic sacraments. This is just another example of how New Church deviates from Traditional Catholicism.
And that has always been my concern in this thread. It wasn’t meant to get into an argument or debate with you.