Sure you can.
Or are you trying to tell us that Mafia hit men are Christian?
Or all those popes that Elsie posts lists of?
Or Kennedy? Pelosi? Biden? Chavez?
All the pro- abortion, pro-homosexual marriage supporting Catholics? They're all Christian?
Seems that you have a different definition of what being a Christ follower is than God does.
yup, sinners all, but if they are baptized they're all Christians..There would be no need for Christianity or the salvation of Christ if there were no sinners....
Catholics don't believe that you can live whatever lifestyle that you please and yet have no concern about salvation because Christ died to atone for all sins....Doesn't work that way...we are all free to reject salvation and obviously many have. They are not classified as non-Christians, they are classified as sinners. Catholicism teaches, as you know, that we do have personal responsibility for our sinfulness and must atone for our shortcomings through the Sacrament (instituted by Christ) of penance. Of course Christ died for our sins but we have a responsibility to knock off the bad behavior and express our contrition for having offended Him.....some of those naughty popes may have done that, some not, we don't judge, Christ does.