If they are obsessed with pursuing those behaviors they attack the messenger.
If they are obsessed with pursuing those behaviors, eventually one of two things will happen:
1. It will eventually kill them, or make them so unhappy that they want to kill themselves. (look up ‘suicide rate among homosexuals’, for example)
2. They will surrender, and admit that they can’t do it alone, that there is a higher power, and if that power is most likely the God of Israel, Abraham, and Jacob. They will come to find that Christ asks nothing but that they accept a gift already freely given, and that they begin to walk with Him.
After this acceptance of Christ, miracles pour forth. I have seen it.
Paul had it easy compared to some of the people I’ve seen accept Christ. God actually spoke to Saul, and told him what to do, and laid before him a ‘shovel to the face’ miracle.
Most of us didn’t have the luxury of God knocking us off a horse, blinding us, and then speaking to us out loud.
Saul used to kill Christians by the bushel. Moses murdered a guard before being called by God to lead His people. He was so stupid that God lost his patience with him and impressed Aaron into service to get Moses through it.
Solomon ABSOLUTELY knew better, as did David - it didn’t stop either of them from either apostacy or murder/adultery. These are heroes of the Bible, and they committed acts most of us would never think of committing.
The reason why Christians are hated is because Satan is the prince of this world. Full stop. Nobody wants to stop and look at the fact that they are in the square middle of a cosmic spiritual war.
As for individuals, our job is to bring them on board. We ask God for the strength and the protection, and we ask for the humility in our task. We ask that the memories of the life we had prior to being saved by Christ are never so far from memory that we can’t show fellow sinners that a celebration awaits them, but for a simple act of giving over their burden to the one person that is strong enough to carry it - Christ.
Then we give all the glory to God, we get over the rush of adrenaline and marvel that God used you personally to save another sheep, and you go looking for more sheep.
Then, finally, you die and get some rest. Permanent vacation.