1. Jesus was never crucified. Which means that Jesus never rose from the dead on the third day, Easter.
2. Trinity: The Koran says and emphasizes over and over that anyone who dares to believe that God had equal partners like a Son and a Holy Spirit---belief in the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit---will go straight to Hell. The Holy Spirit as Christians believe in him, does not exist.
3. According to the Koran and the Hadith , God will forgive most sins and allow sinners to be released even from Hell, but he will never forgive the sin of anyone who dares to believe in the Trinity. Jesus was only a human like you and me. Belief in the Trinity, according to the Koran and the Hadith---the holy collection of sayings and statements of Mohammad---is the worst sin that any person could commit and can never be forgiven.
4. Sad. Very sad.