Make us wise, O Lord, in your law,
enlighten our faculties with your knowledge,
sanctify our souls in your truth, and
let us obey your words and fulfill your commands at all times,
Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen
From the Chaldean Book of Prayer for the dead.
This is only the beginning of a very dark period. I hope that more will expand their time of prayer.
More ethnic cleansing than genocide.
It reminds of this, “and the daily sacrifice was taken away.”
Mosul’s daily mass and communion has ended.
We are witnessing the Rise of the Beast - and the Obama regime and the MarxoFascist Left, are helping it’s rise, as well as assisting in the invasion and eventual destruction of our own nation.
Bush’s fault? Really?
My CATHOLIC, INDIAN co-worker was the one who objected to my taking off work and going to Sunday Mass, as Sunday was a work day. He also KNEW that I made up the 20 minutes at my lunch hour! That just wasn't good enough for him.
He went and "told" on me to my Saudi boss.
I was there when my SAUDI BOSS said: "Harry, God is number one. There is always time for God. "Cloud Mountain" (not my real name of course) can go to pray whenever she wants."
I don't know WHOSE mouth fell farther or faster, Harry's or mine, but I went to Sunday Mass and, as usual, made up the time at lunch...but started going to daily Mass.
As Catholics we believe that bread and wine are turned into the REAL Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, so WHY wouldn't I WANT to take Communion EVERY day of my life?!
I still attend daily Mass back home here in the USA.
God is good and CERTAINLY works in mysterious ways, that is, through a Muslim Arab boss.
P.S. Priests, vicars and reverends weren't allowed in Saudi Arabia, so the Saudi government called those men of the cloth "special teachers" and thereby ALLOWED them to tend to the spiritual needs of ARAMCO Saudi (Arabian American Oil Company) Christians. My husband and I were there five years.
Pray for the CONVERSION of ALL to Christ.
For the past decade, our policies in the Middle East have done nothing but embolden Islamic radicals from Tunisia to Syria. Four thousand Americans died in Iraq to remove a secular "bad guy" and replace him with an Islamic Republic lead by cardboard cut-out leaders who had neither the popular appeal nor the steel-capped boots to keep the jihadists under control the way Saddam did. This was always going to be the outcome of our intervention.
Just imagine for a moment, if the IDF walked onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and declared that ANY Muslim still in Jerusalem must convert, leave, or die. I’m sure they’d be allowed to do that by every other nation in the world, right?/s