matter what our particular denominations particular stances are, looks like we both have congregations that want to do their own thing.
The official southern baptist stance is against gay marriage and homosexuality...but I am positive there are people who have strayed in their thinking. The RCC position is similar to the SBC...yet there are people off the reservation. The difference between the two of us is you guys are supposed to have a mechanism to keep people in line. We are independent churches and don't.
I really have always been puzzled as to how this happens in the Catholic church. I seriously don't know the answer to that question. If the Pope is the leader...and there is a can the Baltimore Archdiocese do this without any fear of reprisal from the church?
If we had a baptist church who did this, we'd break fellowship with them. It's happened. How do you guys handle it?
We don't anymore, huge chunks of the Church are in schism and nobody dares call it that. Unless of course your theological leanings are "stuck in the 50s" at which point you'll be run out on a rail.