Sadly I,m too, am a fallen Catholic. I tried “Catholics Come Home” but every time I got my foot near the door, the Church came out with some political statement which sent me running away again.
At the time the Affordable Care Act passed (I think the Church was for its passage, but now they say they really didn’t want the “religious freedom restrictions” that came with it) I was fighting against it. I had a family member with leukemia.
I couldn’t go to Mass, shake hands, sing praises — and think — these people are against what I am FOR.
Now it is the redistribution statements of Pope Francis. And that the Church seems to be all for illegal aliens being granted amnesty. Look at how they are rushing our borders.....this will dramatically change America. I believe the Church wants this for America. I don’t.
But I am getting older. I would like religion in my life. It gave me comfort too when I was young.
So...I hope I can go back before I get much older. I am in my sixties.
If not, I hope God sees that maybe the Church did leave me.
So...I hope I can go back before I get much older. I am in my sixties.
'Religion' leaves an empty feeling in the soul.
Get Jesus; and you never hunger or thirst again.
Communist infiltrated the Roman Catholic church. The communist want to destroy and corrupt every stabilizing force in the free world. Only then can they come in and stabilize society and control our lives.
That is the problem with an elitist church which autocratically claims it alone is the one true and infallible church, as when it treats manifestly liberal souls as members in life and in death, which thus interprets herself, then other are do so as well. And if they formally want to separate, then they are considered to be sectarian or in schism.
And the conservative RCs see evangelicals, who are most conservative than even weekly RCs, as their greatest religious threat.
But the Great Shepherd of the sheep has other pastures.