Wow! Now, if we can just rustle up a Curelom somewhere...
Mormonism....all hat, no Curelom
As dawn breaks over mesoAmerica, the trumpeting screams of the hairy curelom echo across the surrounding cites.ampu :-)Iron-workers interrupt their production of vast metal works, cities that stretched from sea to shining sea hush in anticipation of another wonderful day in mormon-land.
Just last week, the mormon Jesus had visited to let native Americans know they were really Jews! What a wonderful time to be alive!!!
Flash forward.
America today: If a native American Curelom was watching, he would have a tear in his eye...
All original cities, vanished, leaving nothing behind - not even a cigar butt!
Not even a single foundation of a single iron-workers furnace remains.
Not even a single metal work produced here.
And, as it turns out, Cureloms didnt have bones. Apparently, Cureloms had the structure of jellyfish and today, no evidence remains of their once proud reign!
Only the savage cry of the curelom remains in the brains of mormons who just believe, despite any physical evidence.
Only the ring of the ancient iron-workers hammer echos in the minds of mormons who just believe, despite the amazing disappearance of millions of metal works.
Only the cheerful laughter remains in the minds of mormons, who insist millions of people lived in cities across America - because Joseph Smith said so!
As it turns out, they too, had the structure of jellyfish.
No bones.
No metalworks.
No cities.
No Cureloms.
A tear wells up in the corner of the imaginary Curelom, envisioned within the brain of mormons today.And the Jewish Indians?
Gone. Replaced with imposters who no longer carry Jewish DNA.
Ah, but the piercing echo of the Curelom scream remains!!!
Mormons will testify! Oh, how mormons will testify of the Curelom. Joe said!!! It MUST be true.
And BBQ it before warm weather gets here!