Well what do ya know!
IMO that's why Catholics like them. Their liberal "social doctrines" mesh nicely together with each other's.
Case in point, the "Evangelical" signatories who supported BXVI's "Caritas In Veritate" weren't bedrocks of doctrinal orthodoxy. They were noted leftys like Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo and Richard Cizik. And rather than say "thanks, but no thanks" as Catholics do with evangelical pro-lifers that aren't anti-contraceptive, the leftys are embraced and held aloft as "Protestant Leaders" who are "refreshingly sane and reasoned".
Related threads:
Doing The Truth In Love: An Evangelical Call for Response to "Caritas In Veritate"
68 Protestant Leaders Applaud Encyclical-Caritas in Veritate [Ecumenical]
How many people are we talking about in each Presbyterian sect? Thousands, millions? Just curious.