The Sabbath also preceded the law, being established in the days of creation and given to Israel before the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai (Exo. 16). It is a means of honoring and emulating the Creator. So why teach the tithe and not the Sabbath?
I'm not trying to pick on you, xzins. I'm just showing why I think Christians have an inconsistant hermeneutic here--one that is, whether they intend it or not, self-serving for the pastors who teach it.
Not sure of your beliefs but yup, and it's prophesied to be observed in the future along with the feast days.
You're either messianic or Jewish correct?
I do teach the Sabbath is Saturday. I also teach the Lord’s day is Sunday. I also teach those whose jobs require those days to work should pick an alternative rest and/or worship day elsewhere in the week.
The Sabbath also preceded the law, being established in the days of creation and given to Israel before the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai (Exo. 16). It is a means of honoring and emulating the Creator. So why teach the tithe and not the Sabbath?
FOURTH COMMANDMENT. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
And as has already been stated.
Genesis 2
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
It was a day of rest.
The Sabbath is the only holy day (holiday) we are commanded to keep, yet it was changed to Sunday hundreds of years ago for political reasons
And Christians are being told they must worship a dozen other days as holy days but leave out the only holy day god really commanded every one to keep.
As far as i know the paying of tithes is not a commandment but was a law for Israel as a nation.
There is nothing in the new covenant about paying or giving tithes but only alms which was not to be recorded or even kept track of by the giver.
At first this would have been hard for me to write because there are many preachers whom i dearly love but i can not have fellowship with a Church that has more laws than Jesus himself followed and ignore the ones that were commanded by God.