My opinion is that Americans of all Christian belief ought to set aside their differences for now, since the Enemy is assaulting our religious freedoms with a political vengeance not seen since the pogroms against Chinese Christians by Mao in the 1960s. Well, that may be an exaggeration...for now.
But in the interest of discussion, I’ll offer an alternative explanation for anyone who really is asking the question:
Seeing as the doctrine of papal infallibility did not become official Roman Catholic teaching until sometime around 1870, I find it a bit interesting for hard core followers of that branch of the body of Christ sometimes want to dismiss those of us who adhere to Reformation and post-Reformation beliefs.
I understand your sentiment, but it just doesn’t work. I’ll happily ally myself with Protestants against all sorts of bad things. The problem is Protestantism is a bad thing too - just not as bad as many other things.
Thanks for that link. I “favorited” it.