I walk in no other man’s shoes, (I’m a MRSA carrier), evoke no one else’s liturgy (I am an American, I refuse), follow no one else’s path (the ugly wreaking aroma of the herd-followers’ droppings on either side is reason enough), so what will -I- do? Thomas Jefferson said to question your faith boldly. So, there is no question, nor answer that I solicit from you.
So, there is no question, nor answer that I solicit from you.
Fair enough.
Just curious, do the questions you have ever get answered ?
Do they lead to more questions ?
Do you think your questions CAN be answered ?
“The less I seek my source for some definitive
The closer I am to fine.”
Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine
So in your America it is wrong to invoke the liturgy of someone else? Teddy Roosevelt wrote Nine Reasons Why a Man Should Go to Church.
And if you refuse to follow the path of someone else then that would be anarchist than American.