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The Newbie flamewar provocation is NOT THE WORK OF GOD. It is ZOT.
Doctrinal Catechism ^ | 19th century | R E V.   S T E P H E N    K E E N A N.

Posted on 04/11/2013 6:40:37 AM PDT by Vermont Crank



    Q. Can any one reasonably believe that the change in religion brought about by Luther is the work of God?

    A. No one can believe it, unless he be utterly ignorant of the true nature of religion, and very unlearned in the matters of history.

    Q. Why do you make this answer?

  A. Because, in the first place, the author of the Reformation is not a man of God; secondly, because his work is not the work of God; thirdly, because the means which he used in effecting his purpose are not of God.

    Q. Why do you say Luther is not a man of God?

   A. Because he has left us in his works abundant proof, that if God saw a need for any reformation in his Church, such a man as Luther would not be selected to carry God's will into effect.

  Q. What have you to blame in Luther's works?

   A. They are full of indecencies very offensive to modesty, crammed with a low buffoonery well calculated to bring religion into contempt, and interlarded with very many gross insults offered in a spirit very far from Christian charity and humility, to individuals of dignity and worth.

   Q. Passing over his indecencies in silence, give us a specimen of his buffooneries and insults. What does he say to the King of England, replying to a book which the King had written against him? (Tom. ii, p. 145.) [pg. 30]

    A. He calls the king "an ass," "an idiot," "a fool," "whom very infants ought to mock."

   Q. How does he treat Cardinal Albert, Archbishop and Elector of Mayence, in the work which he wrote against the Bishop of Magdeburg? (Tom. vii, p. 353.)

   A. He calls him "an unfortunate little priest, crammed with an infinite number of devils."

    Q. What does he say of Henry, Duke of Brunswick? (Tom. vii, p. 118.)

   A. That he had "swallowed so may devils in eating and drinking, that he could not even spit any thing but a devil." He calls Duke George of Saxony, "a man of straw, who, with his immense belly, seemed to bid defiance to heaven, and to have swallowed up Jesus Christ himself."

(Tom. ii, p. 90.) CHAPTER II.

    Q. Was Luther's language more respectful, when he addressed the Emperor and the Pope?

   A. No; he treated them both with equal indignities; he said that the Grand Turk had ten times the virtue and good sense of the Emperor,—that the Pope was "a wild beast," "a ravenous wolf, against whom all Europe should rise in arms."

   Q. What do you conclude from Luther's insolent, outrageous, and libertine manner of speaking?
     A. That he was not the man to be chosen by God to reform his church; for his language is the strongest proof that he was actuated, not by the spirit of God, but by the spirit of the devil.

   Q. May not his party say, that they care little about the manner of the man, if his doctrine be true,—that it is not upon him, but upon the word of God, they build their faith?

   A. If the Protestant doctrine be true, then God used Luther as a chosen instrument to reestablish his true faith; but no reasonable man can possibly believe the latter; therefore, neither can any reasonable man believe that the Protestant is the true faith.

   Q. May it not be objected that there were individual pastors in the Catholic Church as worthless as Luther?

   A. Yes; but all the pastors of the Catholic Church were not so at one and the same time, whilst Luther, at the time we speak of, was the first and only teacher of Protestantism. Besides, Christ himself give an unanswerable reply to the objection, (Matth. xxiii:) "The Scribes and Pharisees have sitten in the chair of Moses; all things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do, but according to their works do ye not." Again, some Catholic pastors may have been bad men, but still they were the lawful ministers of God, having succeeded to lawfully commissioned predecessors; but Luther stood alone, he succeeded to none having lawful authority from whom he could derive a mission. In fine, whatever may have been the lives of some vicious Catholic pastors, they taught nothing new, their teaching was the same as that of the best and holiest ministers of the Church. Hence, there was no innovation in matters of faith, or principles of morality. But Luther was the first to teach a new doctrine, unknown in the world before his time.


    Q. We are now satisfied that the author of Protestantism was not a man of God; show us that his undertaking was not from God;—what did he undertake?

  A. He undertook to show that the Church had fallen into error, separated himself from her, and formed his followers into a party against her.

    Q. Could such an undertaking be from God?

   A. No; for God has commanded us not to sit in judgment upon the Church, but to hear and obey her with respect; "and if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican." (Matth. chap. xviii.)

    Q. Was it the particular "territorial" Church of the Roman States, or the Universal Catholic Church, that Luther charged with having erred?

   A. It was the Universal Church he dared to calumniate in this manner.

   Q. How do you prove this?
    A. Before the time of Luther, there was no Christian society in the whole world which believed the doctrines afterwards taught by Luther; consequently, he assailed not any particular sect or church, but the faith of the whole Christian world.

   Q. Are you quite sure, that it is incontestably true, that no Christian body every believed, before Luther's time, the new doctrines be began then to propagate?

  A. So sure, that we have Luther's own authority for it. His words are, (Tom. ii, p. 9, b.:) "How often has not my conscience been alarmed? How often have I not said to myself:—Dost thou ALONE of all men pretend to be wise? Dost thou pretend that ALL CHRISTIANS have been in error, during such a long period of years?"

    Q. What was it that gave Luther most pain, during the time he meditated the introduction of his new religion?

  A. A hidden respect for the authority of the Church, which he found it impossible to stifle.

   Q. How does he express himself on this matter? (Tom. ii, p. 5.)

   A. "After having subdued all other considerations, it was with the utmost difficulty I could eradicate from my heart the feeling that I should obey the Church." "I am not so presumptuous," said he, "as to believe, that it is in God's name I have commenced and carried on this affair; I should not wish to go to judgment, resting on the fact that God is my guide in these matters." (Tom. p. 364, b.)


    Q. What think you of the schism caused by Luther? Can one prudently believe that it is the work of God?

   A. No; because God himself has forbidden schism as a dreadful crime: St. Paul (1st Corinth. chap. i. ver. 10) says: "Now I beseech you, brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no SCHISMS among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind and same judgment."

    Q. What idea did Luther himself entertain about schism before he blinded himself by his infuriated antipathy to the Pope?

  A. He declared, that it was not lawful for any Christian whatever to separate himself from the Church of Rome.

    Q. Repeat the very words of Luther touching this important matter.

(Tom. i, p. 116, b.)
    A."There is no question, no matter how important, which will justify a separation from the Church." Yet, notwithstanding, he himself burst the moorings which bound him to the Church, and, with his small band of ignorant and reckless followers, opposed her by every means in his power.

   Q. What do you remark on historical examples of conduct similar to this ever since the birth of Christianity?

   A. That in every age, when a small body detached itself from the Church, on account of doctrinal points, it has been universally the case, that the small body plunged by degrees deeper and deeper into error and heresy, and in the end, brought by its own increasing corruption into a state of decomposition, disappeared and perished. Of this we have hundreds of examples; nor can Lutherans or Calvinists reasonably hope, that their heresy and schism can have any other end. They are walking in the footsteps of those who have strayed from the fold of truth,—from the unity of faith; and they can have no other prospect, than the end of so many heresies that have gone before them..


    Q. Why have you said, that the means adopted by Luther, to establish his new religion, were not of God? What were those means?

   A. That he might secure followers, he employed such means as were calculated to flatter the passions of men; he strewed the path to heaven—not like Christ with thorns, but like the devil—with flowers; he took off the cross which Christ had laid on the shoulders of men, he made wide the easy way, which Christ had left narrow and difficult.

   Q. Repeat some of Luther's improvements upon the religion of Christ

    A. He permitted all who had made solemn vows of chastity, to violate their vows and marry; he permitted temporal sovereigns to plunder the property of the Church; he abolished confession, abstinence, fasting, and every work of penance and mortification.

    Q. How did he attempt to tranquillize the consciences he had disturbed by these scandalously libertine doctrines?

    A. He invented a thing, which he called justifying faith, to be a sufficient substitute for all the above painful religious works, and invention which took off every responsibility from our shoulders, and laid all on the shoulders of Jesus Christ; in a word, he told men to believe in the merits of Christ as certainly applied to them, and live as they pleased, to indulge every criminal passion, without even the restraints of modesty.

    Q. How did he strive to gain over to his party a sufficient number of presumptuous, unprincipled, and dissolute men of talent, to preach and propagate his novelties?

   A. He pandered to their passions and flattered their pride, by granting them the sovereign honor of being their own judges in every religious question; he presented them with the Bible, declaring that each one of them, ignorant and learned, was perfectly qualified to decide upon every point of controversy.

    Q. What did he condescend to do for Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, in order to secure his support and protection?

   A. He permitted him to keep two wives at one and the same time. The name of the second was Margaret de Saal, who had been maid of honor to his lawful wife, Christina de Saxe. Nor was Luther the only Protestant Doctor who granted this monstrous dispensation from the law of God; eight of the most celebrated Protestant leaders signed, with their own hand, the filthy and adulterous document.

   Q. Does the whole history of Christianity furnish us with even one such scandalous dispensation derived from ecclesiastical authority?

   A. No; nor could such brutal profligacy be countenanced even for a moment, seeing that the Scripture is so explicit on the subject. Gen. ii, Matth. xix, Mark x, speak of two in one flesh, but never of three. But Luther and his brethren were guided, not by the letter of the Scripture, but by the corrupt passions, wishes, and inclinations of men. To induce their followers to swallow the new creed, they gave them, in return, liberty to gratify every appetite.


    Q. If neither the author of Protestantism, nor his work itself, nor the means he adopted to effect his purpose, are from God, what are his followers obliged to?

  A. They are obliged, under pain of eternal damnation, to seek earnestly and re-enter the true Church, which seduced by Luther, they abandoned: If they be sincere, God will aid them in their inquiry.

   Q. What is the situation of the man who does not at once acquit himself of this obligation?

   A. He is the victim of mortal heresy and schism; the thing he calls a church has no pastors lawfully sent or ordained; hence, he can receive none of the Sacraments declared in Scripture to be so necessary to salvation.

   Q. What think you of those (they are many) who are at heart convinced that the Catholic Church is the only true one, and are still such cowards as to dread making a public profession of their faith?

   A. "He," says our Saviour—Luke, ix chap., 26 ver., "who shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him the Son of Man shall be ashamed, when he shall come in his majesty." .

    Q. What think you of those who are inclined to Catholicism, but out of family considerations neglect to embrace it?

    A. Our Saviour, in the 10th chap. of St. Matth., tells such, that he who loves father or mother more than God, is unworthy of God.

   Q. What say you to those who become Protestants, or remain Protestants from motives of worldly gain or honor?

  A. I say with our Saviour, in the 8th chap. of St. Mark, "What will it avail a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?"

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; Theology
KEYWORDS: catholic; catholicism; luther; protestantism; reformation; theology
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To: ArrogantBustard
Having read numerous of your posts, I believe you to be honest and sincere in your efforts.

Lots of folks are...

221 posted on 04/11/2013 7:25:33 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: MortMan
And yet this article claims that because Luther wasn’t perfect, he could not have been inspired by God.


Pope Stephen VI (896–897), who had his predecessor Pope Formosus exhumed, tried, de-fingered, briefly reburied, and thrown in the Tiber.[1]

Pope John XII (955–964), who gave land to a mistress, murdered several people, and was killed by a man who caught him in bed with his wife.

Pope Benedict IX (1032–1044, 1045, 1047–1048), who "sold" the Papacy

Pope Boniface VIII (1294–1303), who is lampooned in Dante's Divine Comedy

Pope Urban VI (1378–1389), who complained that he did not hear enough screaming when Cardinals who had conspired against him were tortured.[2]

Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503), a Borgia, who was guilty of nepotism and whose unattended corpse swelled until it could barely fit in a coffin.[3]

Pope Leo X (1513–1521), a spendthrift member of the Medici family who once spent 1/7 of his predecessors' reserves on a single ceremony[4]

Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), also a Medici, whose power-politicking with France, Spain, and Germany got Rome sacked.

222 posted on 04/11/2013 7:26:41 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: editor-surveyor
Protestantism is the worship of Yeshua

That's debatable

instead of Ishtar using “Mary” as a proxy.

Never met anyone who does that.

223 posted on 04/11/2013 7:27:43 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: Elsie

Nice ... is that a picture of your particular congregation?

224 posted on 04/11/2013 7:30:12 PM PDT by ArrogantBustard (Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
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To: ArrogantBustard
Protestantism is a collection of heresies...

You might be right.

I seem to have misplaced my list of them.

Could you post a link to them?

225 posted on 04/11/2013 7:31:06 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: don-o; roamer_1

Is there a creed anywhere in the scriptures?


And to Yeshua, the scriptures consisted of Torah, and the prophets. That is all he ever stood by, and all we need today to demonstrate who and what Yeshua is.

226 posted on 04/11/2013 7:31:57 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: ArrogantBustard
Never met anyone who does that.

Of course not; for she is dead.

Laying in her grave like all of the other Christians who have died and are awaiting that trumpet sound to arise.

227 posted on 04/11/2013 7:33:42 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: jjotto; Vermont Crank
hehe .... retread

YES a definite RETREAD and/or this is their second open account. Almost makes me know who it is! Being deceptive right from the get go.

228 posted on 04/11/2013 7:39:16 PM PDT by presently no screen name
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To: Elsie

Thinking of something else ~ you’ll find i corrected myself later ~ wrong darned Smith ~

229 posted on 04/11/2013 7:49:08 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: Cicero
Nevertheless, I would guess that there are about fifty threads attacking the Catholic Church here in FR for every thread attacking the Reformation

That sir is absurd. There is far more Catholic posting attacking the Reformation than otherwise, unless started by Catholics. I have never seen you post on any of the multitudinous RF threads advertising and promoting Roman Catholicism ( search pope for instance), and upholding it as the one true church, and in which are many RCs often contending for that and against anything that in anyways impugns upon that claim. One who advertise an entity which makes an extreme claim, expect challenges rather than expressing a victim mentality.

In contrast, relatively rare indeed are threads started by Reformation type posters attacking RC.

230 posted on 04/11/2013 7:50:51 PM PDT by daniel1212 (Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
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To: Vermont Crank

post 183 seems to have captured the very essence if idiot. Some enterprizing individual should try to package some of the excess and take it to market. If nothing else this proves that when the RCC speaks about unqualified minds running loose with the Scriptures they have your kind in mind.

Have a nice day.

231 posted on 04/11/2013 7:51:52 PM PDT by fatboy (This protestant will have no part in the ecumenical movement)
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To: Elsie
A regular laugh riot ~ it is sufficient to be baptised in the proper way under the proper conditions. my church signed a document attesting to this in reciprocity with the Pope ~ just one of the reasons we get a whole lot of the more serious divorced RCs in the churches on Sunday ~ and the perpetual novenas ~ they are allowed ~ no good reason to prohibit them.

Alas, many of them are Democrats, but if you think about it they really do need to seek God in every nook and cranny ~ poor creatures!

232 posted on 04/11/2013 7:53:13 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: editor-surveyor
And to Yeshua

Enlighten me - why that name? What is wrong with Jesus?

233 posted on 04/11/2013 7:55:12 PM PDT by don-o (He will not share His glory, and He will not be mocked! Blessed be the Name of the Lord forever!)
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To: Alex Murphy; boatbums; Vermont Crank; Mr Rogers; muawiyah; CatherineofAragon; MortMan; ...

And note that the same STEPHEN KEENAN that the OP invokes also taught on page 112 of an earlier edition of this Catechism, the third edition of 1854, published by Marsh and Beattie of Edinburgh and Charles Dolman of London and Manchester,

Q: Must not Catholics believe the Pope in himself to be infallible?

A: This is a Protestant invention; it is no article of the Catholic faith; no decision of his can oblige, under pain of heresy, unless it be received and enforced by the teaching body; that is, by the bishops of the Church.

This catechism carries the enthusiastic approbation of four bishops.

This was before V1 affirmed this "Protestant invention," which testifies against the pope being generally recognized as having the charism of individual infallibility and not being subject to councils.

234 posted on 04/11/2013 7:55:36 PM PDT by daniel1212 (Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
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To: Elsie

Are you planning to quote the whole book of Acts?

235 posted on 04/11/2013 7:57:05 PM PDT by don-o (He will not share His glory, and He will not be mocked! Blessed be the Name of the Lord forever!)
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To: Elsie
The Borgia family were Italians with Spanish antecedents. Those Spanish Borja families were themselves descendants of Bretons!

These guys started showing up in Italy just before the end of the Reconquista. They'd been providing heavy armed knights to Spanish princes for well over 500 years. Those guys would frequently succeed at overrunning islamic held land, which would result in a substantial profit and other benefits to the knight(s) responsible. They'd remit many of the profits to the folks back home and you can imagine how valuable that practice was to Brittany.

During the 1500s several conflicting pressures came to a head in Brittany. The rural nobles became both Protestants and fans of the idea of being incorporated into the Hapsburg domains (even though Filippe was supposed to be virulently anti-protestant).

At the same time the urban nobles stayed Catholic but were fans of Henry IV becoming King of France (paris is worth a mass).

The end result of those conflicts was the emigration (over time) of about 90% of all Bretons to some other place! Many went to Sweden where they were identified by the local goobers as "French noblemen"

Their brethren in Spain also emigrated to the Americas in large numbers ~ almost all those longer Spanish surnames are actually sentences in Cornish that tell us what job their ancestors had in medieval armies in the Reconquista.

Again, with the source of the nation's wealth cut off, many Bretons in Spain migrated to Italy. There are vast storehouses of ancient records attending to their rapacity as they began looting Italy. The Borgias were the least of it!

236 posted on 04/11/2013 8:04:18 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: daniel1212
I'm still trying to figure out why that Protestant pretended anything at all.

Has anyone realized that title can be read several different ways?

237 posted on 04/11/2013 8:06:31 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: Vermont Crank
My motivation for writing and posting is that outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation and I desire that even my objective enemies attain unto Salvation

Ah - so you DON'T believe the Bible!

You are an idolator, FRiend. Your idol is the Roman Catholic church. You are likely unaware that there is a difference between small-c "catholic" (which means "universal"), and large-C "Catholic" (which usually means "Roman Catholic"), and that there have been missals in use within the united states that are missing crucial punctuation from their Nicene creed, where "one, catholic, and apostolic church" became "one Catholic and apostolic church" - which is in and of itself a heresy.

I will pray for you, that you come to fully understand the grace of God in his wisdom to make Christ himself the gateway to the heavenly throne, rather than vesting that power in an earthly crucible call a "church".

Lest you misunderstand, I do not speak of any specific religious organization, but rather all such organizations, as they are invariably led by men. Fallible, imperfect images of God himself.

Unless you care to directly contradict the scripture, that is.

238 posted on 04/11/2013 8:10:46 PM PDT by MortMan (Disarming the sheep only emboldens the wolves.)
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To: Vermont Crank
All we were doing in The Inquisitions was following the example of Moses - well, except for the killing of kids and saving the virgin women for our own selves :)

The above is flamebait, the only possible result is trouble.

Flamebait is rarely tolerated from oldtimers. It will not be tolerated from newbies.

This is your final warning.

239 posted on 04/11/2013 8:52:04 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: Religion Moderator
This is your final warning.

You were right the first time.

240 posted on 04/11/2013 9:02:29 PM PDT by xone
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