Where’s the poll?
Do you have a link to the poll, or are you doing a research paper?
I’d say B was closest to my position, although I also make exception for conditions that make the baby non-viable outside the womb such as Anencephaly.
That's if you're a chick.
If you're a dude, I'm not interested.
Jus' sayin' ...
And, FYI, procured elective abortion is always the deliberate, willful destruction of innocent human life. That's the act outlawed by all murder statutes. Unless, of course, the victim is less than 9 months old and legally in these United States an "unperson". Or perhaps we should say, an untermench.
Deliberate, willfully procured abortion should be always illegal.
I’ve read your posting history. Your questions about religion, the Bible, homosexuality, Catholicism, Evangelicals, and now abortion appear designed to create controversy not to seek knowledge.
I suspect you are trolling.
Why do we release convicted murderers from jail, while at the same time we murder innocent babies in the womb? What did the innocent baby ever do to be executed?
100% on A.
It should be left up to the states. (See: Amendment X, Constitution of the United States of America)
The life of a mother and the life of her child are equally sacred: if the mother's life is truly in mortal danger due to her unborn child and there is no way to save both the mother and the child then you have reached a point where abortion is permissible.
Even then the best practice would be to attempt to save both lives.
And in practice the concept of mortal danger to the mother has been watered down by leftists to 'serious harm' - which has proved to be the gateway excuse for 99% of abortions in the UK, rubber-stamped by morally bankrupt doctors.
So in fact the only answer that actually protects the unborn child is A, all the way.
A and I don’t need to explain myself. We have an unalienable right to life.
Why don’t you enlighten us with your thoughts on the subject?? Or is this entire thread your finest attempt at trolling.
"When the choice is Life or Death, choose Life".
And I for one believe it.
Abortion is murder from the moment vaginal penetration occurs
A. Any other choice is morally indefensible.
d. Causes GOP senate candidates to get stuck on stupid.