The Apostles Creed
Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae,I'm sorry, but this indicates that the Apostles believed that Jesus was God, not just a top angel -- because the words "Ascended into heaven" doesn't quite translate the original which is "ascended of his own ability into heaven" -- only God could do that and also only God can judge the living and the dead
et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius unicum, Dominum nostrum,
qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,
descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,
ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Patris omnipotentis,
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum,
carnis resurrectionem,
vitam aeternam.
AmenI believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen
This proves that the Apostles, being monotheistic Jews believed in the Trinity
And also note that Irenaeus in AD 189 says The three days before the luminaries were created are types of the Trinity: God, his Word, and his Wisdom"
"For the Church, although dispersed throughout the whole world even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and from their disciples the faith in one God, the Father Almighty . . . and in one Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became flesh for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit" (Against Heresies 1:10:1 [A.D. 189]).
Yes, Jesus Christ IS God because He ascended of His own, as Swedenborg understood it correctly. We cannot understand the omnipresent infinite as 'persons' -- like I said before, that led to the notion that Jesus was Joseph's son.
Just another note, since this appears in Scripture so often and the literal sense might be misleading: Spiritual power is signified by the hand... all spiritual power and omnipotence by means of the Human which He assumed in the world is signified by the right hand of God.