The logic of this and other anti-Mormon threads is simply this: Mormons were not perfect in the 19th century. Therefore vote Obama, and subject America to four more years of Marxist adventurism and possible economic collapse.
In other words, there is no logic.
Not sure what any of this has to do with Romney vs. Obama, but anyway...
No. Don’t vote for Obama. I would think it obvious after four years that he is just as bad as Romney. And even if this was not the case, Obama’s fanatical support for pre-natal infanticide (including of the partial birth variety) makes him anathema to any decent conservative voter. (Although not Rockefeller Republicans like Mitt’s mother.)
The best course of action is to support conservatives downticket.
Another botched attempt.
The logic of this and other anti-MormonISM threads is simply this: MormonISM was not perfect in the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries.
It is a heresy from hell.