What is your denomination? I will do some research on it and trash it. Thanks . Specifically , I need the name of the church.
I try to follow the teachings of Christ. Said another way, I try to be a disciple of Christ.
Trash away.
I'm curious too. People do not vigorously spar about what they know to be true, only what they fear may not be true.
Southern Baptist
Here's a news flash. All religions and all cultures are not equal. It's why the world rejected Cannibalism.
I ridicule Mormonism in hopes that some of it's adherents will wake up to the fact that they are in a silly "me too" cult. And have been taught a lot of error mixed with a little truth.
***What is your denomination? I will do some research on it and trash it. Thanks . Specifically , I need the name of the church.***
For speaking the truth? Remember, It was not the CHRISTIANS who stumbled out of the woods claiming they had seen visions and angels and God, and Jesus, and that all churches were wrong and that he was right and if you didn’t believe every word he said, he would stand at the door of Heaven and keep you out. He threw down the gauntlet, the CHRISTIANS picked it up and the mormons have been getting their tails whooped in debates since.
As for mormon underwear, I dated a strong mormon girl but she did not have on any underwear at all. ;-D
Seems like your 'respect' for other folk's religion just got shown be be, shall we say, a little bit hypocritical.