Posted on 08/28/2012 8:40:24 AM PDT by Salvation
Featured Term (selected at random):
The third person of the Trinity, who eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son and is really distinct from them yet coequal with them as God. To him are attributed all the works of the Trinity that pertain to the sanctification of the human race.
Radio Replies Second Volume - The Holy Trinity
The Blessed Trinity {Ecumenical}
A Mystery for Eternity (Reflection on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity)
On the Trinity (Angelus Address from 5/30/2010)
Mystery of the Trinity
The Trinity: More Than Just Doctrine
Origen on the Trinity: A Man Ahead of His Time
Why Mormon Baptism Is Invalid: Sect´s Concept of the Trinity Differs from Christian Notion
Radio Replies First Volume - The Holy Trinity
We live to love and be loved, teaches Pope while reflecting on Trinity (absolutely beautiful!)
Deathbed Request: 'Tell me About the Trinity
Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity
The Most Holy Trinity
What You [Catholics] Need to Know: Trinity [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
The Holy Trinity (excerpt from the Light of Faith by St. Thomas Aquinas)
The Concept of the Most Holy Trinity - The Relationship between the Three Persons in One God
A Brief Catechism for Adults - Lesson 3: God and the Holy Trinity
Sheed on the Trinity (Catholic Caucus)
The Father as the Source of the Whole Trinity - Greek and Latin Traditions About the Filioque
Trinity Facts
The Real Trinity
We believe in one only God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Brief Reflections on the Trinity, the Canon of Scripture, and the Protestant idea of Sola Scriptura
Why Do We Believe in the Trinity?
The Holy Trinity
Trinity Sunday (and the Trinity season)
Trinitarian Mystery
HaSheeloosh HaKadosh: The Holy Trinity
The Divine Trinity
What Is the Unforgivable Sin against the Holy Spirit? [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
The Apostles Did Not Commence to Preach the Gospel, Or To Place Anything on Record Until.........
The Holy Spirit and Me
[CATH/ORTH CAUCUS] >From Mediocrity to Magnificence: A Meditation on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Sins Against the Holy Spirit [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
The Holy Spirit and Middlemen
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
The Holy Spirit And Mary (Catholic Caucus)
Benedict XVI's Homily for Solemnity of Pentecost
Pentecost Past and Present
The Purpose of Pentecost: and the New Missionary Age of the Church
Pentecost: the Holy Spirit Comes
Pentecost on Mount Athos (where earthly time is one and the same as the eternal today of heaven)
Vigil of the Pentecost and Whitsunday
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit [Devotional]
Novena to the Holy Ghost [Holy Spirit]
The Holy Spirit: Pentecost
The Church's First Novena
Litany of the Holy Spirit for the election of a holy pope.
Catholic Word of the Day Ping!
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