Barbara Walters undoubtedly missed...
Hence, the "Mormon" view of heaven -- at least for the 99% of people who would live there -- means a Heavenly Fatherless "heaven."
Along these lines, here's a sample dialogue -- which you can utilize with a Mormon co-worker, relative, or acquaintance, to yield some clarification -- especially if they accuse you of "condemning them to hell":
JOE MORMON: "Why do you condemn me to hell?"
N. CHRISTIAN: "You believe in three degrees of glory, do you not?"
JOE MORMON: "You know I do."
N. CHRISTIAN: "And don't you therefore believe, that Jesus can reside in two of these three glories?"
JOE MORMON: "You know I do."
N. CHRISTIAN: "And how many of these glories does Heavenly Father reside in?"
JOE MORMON: "One. The celestial one."
N. CHRISTIAN: "Do Christians get to reside there?"
JOE MORMON. "No. Only members of the church of the Firstborn do."
N. CHRISTIAN: "And Christian churches. Do Mormon leaders regard them as part of the 'church of the firstborn?'"
JOE MORMON: "Uh, no. 'Fraid not. But, you'll still be saved. Just a different degree of glory."
N. CHRISTIAN: "And so you're telling me that 'salvation' in your eyes includes NEVER being reconciled to Heavenly Father? NEVER, EVER able to live in His Presence again = 'salvation'...equals 'heaven' to you??? REALLY???"
JOE MORMON (now looking for a place to hide, in a stumble-mumble): "Uh...Uh...Uh..."
N. CHRISTIAN: "Let me go 'on the record' here to make myself 'perfectly clear': Whatever you regard as part of the afterlife that excludes the Presence of Heavenly Father, you can take that Mormon ghettoized false-gospel of yours and you can shove it to hell where it belongs! If you consider a Heavenly Fatherless 'heaven' to be 'heaven,' I don't want it! If you consider a Heavenly Fatherless 'heaven' to be FUTURE ETERNAL 'salvation,' then that ain't it!"
N. CHRISTIAN (continuing): "You, Joe Mormon! You of all people! One who believes that EACH of us was spirit-born to Heavenly Father in the pre-existence. And who desires for us to be reconciled to Him. You, who puts such emphasis on the divine family! You actually deem it to be a 'family reunion' when the 'family reunion' excludes the ULTIMATE PATRIARCH of the Family! Wow! How offensive can your false gospel get???!!! After all, what's a 'Christian' who won't live with Heavenly Father eternally?" (See John 17:3)
AND your point is what???
Love, Barack Hussein