It has become quite evident that the lengthy posts exposing MormonISM have been made not for purposes of trying to awaken Mormons but to defeat Mitt Romney in the primaries and now in the race for president. If the mainstream media do this, would you endorse that? A few short years ago you wouldn't have.
If you think long and hard about that, you might figure out there is a ‘bigotry’ wager running with such misuse of the Gospel of Salvation. I hope you DO think about it, long and hard, because this is getting disgusting to watch as people are manipulated to trash Mormons when it was claimed by the Inmans that we were exposing MormonISM to help Mormons awaken to the blasphemies in their religious system. Using that to attack Mitt Romney is hypocrisy writ large. Do you really want to be proud of such? Can you not see that is how you've been manipualted?
I guess it's ok with you if Obama's perceived religion is ALSO off the table?
Can you not see that is how you've been manipualted?