I’d like to know what the author believes is the ideal church or method of worship.
Me, I'm the fire and brimstone kind of gal. When it's glitz and glam, I am not comfortable. All depends on how one was raised.
Seriously, if the author doesn't like how they worship, they should find another church.
What do you believe the ideal church would look like? or its worship? This would be an interesting thread for sure. I think most would like for all of the members to be just a tad more honest, prosperous and attractive than themselves. And really feel the love when they come into the door. And really feel the welcome. And come from the same background as themselves. The same ethnicity as themselves. Yeah, a person could really get comfortable in a church like that. You wouldn't mature any as a Christian but you would be comfortable.
Hair shirts and self-flagellation
Probably thinks that once people abandoned the beauty of the Gregorian chant, everything went down hill.