Muslims do not even hold the “faith of Abraham “ nor do they along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind,” but a decidedly different god who denies Issac was the inheritor of the promise, faith in which Abraham was counted just by, and also denies the Christ of the Bible, and (according to their apologists) makes the promised Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16) to be Muhammad.
The statement is indefensible (as the Traditional Catholic sects also rightly contend), as the god of Islam is not some unknown, undefined god as per Acts 17:23, but one that is theologically defined as being in opposition to the God of the Bible, whether the illiterate Muhammad realized it at the time or not.
You might want to check some facts about monotheistic religions. Basically all likenesses disappear quickly, but check this: