Given the Mormon church’s way of not putting up with the arguments of unbelievers within the church, (which is currently destroying many Christian congregations) it is going to be challenging for Mormons to go through this process of being center stage with Romney.
Ridicule is the name of the political game these days and triple for Republicans. Triple that ridicule for the added deminision of religion in a Republican candidate. You will find out if your church is strong because it is closely controlled and doubts are supressed, or if it is strong on it’s own foundation because Mormons are going to be exposed to every piece of dirt that can be conjured. Romney is uncapping the lid.
Good luck as you guys venture out into the public! The other Christian groups, especially the young who take the rejection to heart, have not stood up together for their faith and Christian way of life so well.
it is going to be challenging for Mormons to go through this process of being center stage with Romney.
NAH not a bit of it...
The Mormons are center stage with Harry Reid...
and Harry Reid has been rtecently Man of the year for the Mormons
BTW Harry Reid is a temple Mormon...
Thats the top 15% who are in good standing and allowed to go into the temple...
just as Willard does...
You see pushing abortion and same sex marriage doesnt get you excommunicated or banned from the Mormon cult...
Its not believing in dear leader Joey Smith of his rag the book of mormon or paying your union dues that the mormon gods object too...