The frequent command to the early Christians, especially from Paul - repeatedly - is that they are required to believe what they are taught - both by the printed word and by the spoken word - by the Church.
The Pharisees received the reprimand from Jesus that they searched the Scriptures, yet did not understand them.
Paul spoke of the Bereans who used Scripture to see whether Paul’s words were true. But the emphasis is on the teachings of the Apostles and their designates - the Church. Nowhere does it say that it is sufficient to read Scripture to be a Christian believer.
It is profitable, to be sure. Yet the example of the Ethiopian eunuch shows us once again that the Church is the “pillar and foundation of truth”. Otherwise we have Luther’s every milkmaid creating new doctrines overnight at whim.
Better the milkmaid than a group of power hungry men who claim Infallibility for themselves and the organization they control.