No one had as much hippocampal shrinkage as the authors of this study.
Translation: If you’re born again, you’re stooooooopid.
God save us from these a**holes.
IOW, if you’re “born again”, you’re brain dead. There’s no low these God-hating leftist won’t stoop to.
Our tax money at work against US Investigate this grant
(We’ll see if the secular leftists are still laughing when the Day of the Lord arrives.)
Did you know there’s a National Lesbian and Gay Journalists’ Association with chapters all over the country? Once you understand this, you’ll better understand what is deemed news in today’s media.
This is delicious;
First, an "older adult" generally has the time to think and reflect about his or her life and quite often concludes a percentage of it was not necesarilly conducive to good living, but to living (the) good (life).
We chase dreams which cost money which requires a job or skill which in turn is not always in harmony with good living but needed to accomplish the 'living good'
Empirically, I find within myself the sloughing off of excess mental baggage for the more intimate and meaningful thought patterns of a relationship with God .. sometimes a not so very easy excersize.
Consider Romans, chapter 6.
No, I won't quote it it, nor will I expound on it.
I'm not even going to say any more in this reply.
Consider Romans, chapter 6
Modern phrenology at work.
Im not surprised.
The authors left out the financial status in their demographics, which is interesting since another study at PLoS ONE indicated that poorer people have more hippcampal atrophy than richer people, also due to stress. The results could easily be skewed if the born-again group were also the generally poorer of all the others.
I remember hearing something years back that gays had an enlarged area of the brain, ie thats why they were the way they were.
Whats not to say that this area of the brain for gays or the area mentioned in this article are not areas where certain types of thought patterns are located. The more one dwells on a subject, the stronger ones thoughts get, the more those neural pathways grow, enlarging that area.
The Bible tells us that man has a sin nature, and the more we satisfy that nature, the easier sin becomes for us. It only makes sense that certain areas of our brain responds to certain types of thoughts or actions. As Christians view certain thoughts or actions as Sin, and try to change their behavior, its only natural that certain areas would grow with more usage and other areas atrophy.
Whoever paid for this study should demand their funding back. It is either lousy reporting, junk research or both.
Saw this coming decades ago. The potential for abuse is incalculable. However, do I find my born again friends can’t be bothered to reason too vigorously? Sadly, it does seem that way. Why would you need to think about anything, if all the answers are written down?
This is trying to make out believers as something less than’s what all tyrants try todo to justifyntheirmgenocidal plans for a certain group.
It’s all manipulative bull. It has nothing to do with science. It is conducted in the spirit of eugenics - separating out and dehumanizing those the Left wants to kill from the ones they tolerate. They hope it will lead to Christians denying Jesus for fear of being labeled retarded. In the new deathcare rationing system, retarded people won’t fair too well.
Straight out of the mouth of Lucifer himself.
Does this mean they’re qualified for disability?
Nothing like some good old fashion Nazi propaganda by our resident leftist elitist media in the morning.
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Why is this "news" to a year later?