[We know Gods words when we hear them. We dont need any creature to tell us. If and when we did need that, then we were not yet Christian.
That is the eventual - and completely subjective - fallback for Protestants who cant answer objective questions. It also doesnt work. I have no objective reason to believe Protestants hear the Word of God when it is spoken”]
Vladdy baby you don’t get it...it’s not a Protestant thing or a Catholic thing in “coming to faith by the hearing of God’s word”...but the shepherd and sheep principle...as in “My sheep hear my voice”(Jesus Christ)
You wrote:
“Vladdy baby you dont get it...its not a Protestant thing or a Catholic thing in coming to faith by the hearing of Gods word...but the shepherd and sheep principle...as in My sheep hear my voice(Jesus Christ)”
I do get it. Apparently you don’t.